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Sodium and Lithium are almost same properties .

Carefully study found Soduim can be replace lithium (ouch)

the best company produce is #Tatachemical Image
did not know that . do you ? Image
#1 Solid State
#2 Sodium
#3 Aluminum-Ion
#4 Niobium
#5 Lithium Sulfur
Read 16 tweets
(1/14) Hey #StarshipAddicts , @CSI_Starbase has concluded that #B4 is NEVER going to leave the ground under its own power & #B5 is just a massive lawn ornament.

#StarshipSuperHeavy #B7 is up next, lets look at some of the difference we have noticed so far!

(2/14) Fwd Dome Section:

On the FWD dome we see a new design for the stage separation clamps. These may have not been completed yet on #B7 but the initial shape of them is a departure from the previous boosters.

📷:@StarshipGazer | @CosmicalChief
(3/14) Fwd Dome (cont):

Autogenous pressurization lines have been moved higher up towards the top of the #CH4 tank dome instead of below the stringers like the #Block1 #SSH's (Sorry not sorry for making new acronyms)

Anyone else wish this was related to Hot Gas Thrusters?
Read 14 tweets

Qu’en est-il des #Débouchés…..
…. #Sorgho GRAIN 🌾
….. En #AlimentationHumaine ?


⬇️ Image
11 bienfaits du #Sorgho grain:
- Riche en #antioxydants (Cellules corps)
- Riche en #protéine (Energie), magnésium (Métabolisme Ca+ et P), #fer (Système immunitaire), #fibre (Système digestif) & vitamine #B3 (Système nerveux) + #B6 (Métabolisme énergétique)
⬇️ Image
.... Mais aussi
- Faible indice #glycémique (Diabétiques)
- Sans #gluten (Maladies cœliaques)
- Acide gras insaturés ((Taux cholestérol sanguin)
- Graine #Durable (Faible besoins en eau et intrants)
⬇️ Image
Read 18 tweets

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