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Jan 28th 2019

Take immediate steps to protect US Constitution

As of Jan 25 there are 29 resolutions in 12 states calling for a
#ConventionOfStates (#COS) also known as a #ConstitutionalConvention (#ConCon)

Info required to contact legislatures 👇
See link👇👇👇 for interactive chart tracking Active #COS Legsln

Committee contact names & #s are included for all Resolutions

Public hearing dates listed as available

⏰ALL ConCon resolutions MUST BE BLOCKED & Rescission calls DEMANDED

What is the threat?

For years there’s been a stealth mvmt guided & funded by #DarkMoney sliding under radar

GOAL 👉 to #RewriteConstitution in ways beneficial ONLY to #Koch-#Mercer-Extreme Christian Right-1% population

#NoConCon #UnKochAmerica #ALEC…
Read 12 tweets
Apr 13th 2018
Right on cue #MarkMeckler reads line from script all #Koch bought actors & #GOP R work'g from
1 xplds deficit
2 proposes #BalancedBudgetAmendment as solutn
3 claims only #BBA chance of Bcoming law ➡️#CoS ➡️#RewriteConstitution…
One "small" problem...The reading of the script neglects to mention a couple of things.
Firstly, #BBA - #BalancedBudgetAmendment actually means gutting SS, Medicare, public education as a start.
#NoConCon #ProtectSocialSecurity #ProtectMedicare
2ndly,#ConventionOfStates or #ConstitutionalConvention wld allow Constitution 2B #Rewritten. There R NO safeguards in place 2 lmt #CoS 2 single topic or 2 determ what delegates R sent
A #Koch written constitution would end democracy in America
Read 8 tweets

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