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Mar 20th 2023
🧵#Jagadguru #Shankaracharya #SriSri Abhinava Vidyatirtha Mahaswamiji: People have a natural capacity to love. Affection requires an object & when that object is God, it gets labelled #bhakti or devotion. Nārada defines bhakti as the extreme love of God. He who attains such

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devotion no longer longs for anything and is ever fully satiated and happy. While attachment to wife, wealth, etc., causes bondage, attachment to God liberates. A sense object sometimes gives joy and sometimes sorrow. It is not always available and has several faults. On the

other hand, God is ever-captivating, constantly available and totally free from blemishes. Further, what or who can be as loveable as God who is the repository of all good qualities? So bewitching are His glories that even sages who have realized the Truth and have

Read 6 tweets
Jan 17th 2023
With entry of #Saturn (#Shani Mahatma) into Kumbha (Aquarius) Rasi in the Zodiac, there will be changes in Shani #Gochara like Sade-Sath, Ashtama/ArdhaAshtama Shani etc. for individuals reckoned from Moon sign (Janma Raasi)

How to gear up for Shani Gochara/Dasa ? small -🧵
This thread is not for giving predictions. It is only an attempt to understand Saturn/Shani Mahatma in a novice way.
one should possesses/develop qualities of....
discipline, hard work, diligence, patience, steadfastness, perseverance, honesty, judgment, compassion, charitable nature, service oriented, selfless sacrifice etc. ++
Read 15 tweets
Dec 4th 2022
#Bhagawadgita chintana🧵
Margasira sukla Ekadasi is revered as Geeta Jayanthi, the day Lord #SriKrishna counselled Arjuna with his famous preaching #Bhagawadgita. But it was not first time Supreme God preaching the philosophy and Arjuna was not the first person to be imparted with the divine knowledge.+
In 4th Canto #JnaAnaYoga (sloka #1) Sri Krishna says,
" I taught this imperishable Yoga (Bhagawadgita)
to #Vivaswan (Sun God-Surya);
He (#Surya) in turn taught it to #Manu (#Vaivaswatha) who in turn taught it to #Ikshvaaku (in whose dynasty Lord Sri #Ramachandra was born)". +
Read 32 tweets

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