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Apr 3rd 2023
🔴On March 31, Madrasa Azizia was set on fire by Hindutva mob during #RamNavami celebrations in #Biharsharif, Naland. Mohammad Shahabuddin, the caretaker of the institution said that The madrasa contained more than 4,500 books which were destroyed in the fire.
“The armed men were chanting ‘#JaiShreeRam,’” said Mohan Bahadur, a guard at the madrasa. He also said the mob attacked him, but he managed to flee. The 110-year-old library was vandalized by armed mob of around 1,000 people. #rssterror #RamNavamiViolence #ModiGovt #Hindutva
The saffron mob threw petrol bombs into the mosque and the library. #MadrasaAzizia was established by Bibi Sogra in memory of her husband, Abdul Aziz, and she is recognized as one of the most respected philanthropists in the history of #BiharViolence and vandalism have marred..
Read 4 tweets
Apr 3rd 2023
A thred of the attacks on Hindus happened during #RamNavami across the nation:
Hindu man attacked in WB..
Pics from Rishra, Hoogly(WB) where Hindus were attacked during #RamNavami Shobha Yatra .
Read 16 tweets

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