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Sep 14th 2019
#BorisJohnsonLies #LeaveOct31st #RemainerNow #Yellowhammer #Brexit #brexitmehole

So the Boris honeymoon must be over now that Leavers are hating on him as much as Remainers. So while you #BoycottWetherspoons
maybe you can find a someone from the other side and play a game
With Boris' mense horribilis barely out of the way, it got me thinking, these guys and gals are lasting less and less time

We used to ger 7-10 years out of a PM, now we're lucky if 10 months go by before they're up for grabs.

But hell that means we should already know...
Who's next, unless Rory has a sudden bout of leave love, or Jeremy gets a strategy, we are gonna be


and that's the game that'll bring us together

We're going to build the biggest profile of Prime Ministers in history

To see what works.
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