So the Boris honeymoon must be over now that Leavers are hating on him as much as Remainers. So while you #BoycottWetherspoons
maybe you can find a someone from the other side and play a game

And there you go. Now you're ready to spend hours NOT in #BoycottWetherspoons discussing how the PMs did.
What's the important factor to get to the magic at least as long as Brown?

Our war is a distraction
Some of the richest, sociopath, predatory bastards in the UK, have persuaded people to vote for rampant globalisation.
Something EVERYONE in 2016 wanted to avoid. Just ask Dominc
The people selling this have left out one tiny little detail.
You see there are no independent countries anymore, at least not in that sense. Everyone is in a trade bloc. Which means when Jacob was talking about vassal state...