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Feb 15th 2022
Avui és el #DiaInternacionalDelCancerInfantil! Per consideració als pacients i famílies cal denunciar, encara, estratègies perverses èticament i injustes socialment com les que generen les dobles vies d’atenció (pública i privada) en institucions privades concertades
Obro fil 👇
Aquestes estratègies són ben conegudes per @salutcat, l’HC #Argimon, #CatSalut, la Dra #Craywinckel, @icscat, @sindicdegreuges, @bcn_ajuntament. Però es neguen a acceptar qualsevol #investigació #independent, encara que els concerts anuals siguin de centenars de milions d'€
A tots els responsables de @salutcat: Perquè no ho aturen? Perquè no expliquen el motiu d'aquesta permissivitat? Què ens amaguen? Assumiran vostès les responsabilitats si la #investigació #independent demostrés una mala praxis o una dissemblança de tracte o de tractament, oi?
Read 17 tweets
May 28th 2019
Why @krls & @toni_comin must be allowed to take their seats in the @Europarl_EN
"The essential step to become an MEP is to receive enough support. #Catalans understood this and delivered massive majority support to @krls, @toni_comin, @ClaraPonsati, and the whole list"

"#Spain's #SupremeCourt should suspend the national arrest warrants against @krls & @toni_comin. Both now enjoy immunity that the Supreme can't interfere with. They must decide to respect the law or not, but the little credibility they still have in Europe is at risk."

Asked whether @krls & @toni_comin must swear to uphold the Constitution in person before #Spain's Central Electoral Board before taking office, @boye_g said the rule was out-of-date, against EU law, and, if the #SupremeCourt got involved in this battle, it would surely lose.

Read 42 tweets
Jul 29th 2018
#PabloCasado has been leader of the same old Partido Popular for barely a week. How long is he going to last?

🔵Academic Fraud
🔵The PP is incorrigible
🔵#Cifuentes and Casado
🔵Straight on the #Catalans’ case

Thanks to @eldiarioes it's known that:
In 2008, Pablo Casado enrolled in a Harvard Master’s program, the grandly named “Driving Government Performance”. It's one of the 3 “American” qualifications Casado's most proud of, citing his “Harvards” at every opportunity
Casado's course was offered by the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (University of King Juan Carlos) and actually took place in the University of Navarre-owned IESE business school in Madrid. The “Harvard program” consisted of an intensive 4-day course from 16 to 19 June
Read 13 tweets

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