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Dec 6th 2022
#Margasira #Pournami is reckoned as #DattaJayanthi; He is called #Dattaatreya (Datta + Aatreya) because, pleased with the penance of #Athri Rushi, Lord #Vishnu gifted himself (#Datta) to the sage Athri as his son. +
As per #Bhagavatha Purana #Dattatreya was the sixth incarnation of Lord #Vishnu born to Sage #Athri Mahamuni and #Anasuya.
#DattaAtreya was #Yogapravartaka roopa of #ParamaAtma #Vishnu.

PrAhlada Rajaru, Kartyaviryarjuna, YaduRaaja, Alarka Rushi were disciples of Lord Dattatreya. +
Read 8 tweets
Dec 16th 2020
@Astrology_us Remember an interesting tale from #Mahabharata on this tweet

At d start of #Kurushetra muhurat was set for d #battle date & time to begin it coincided with #Amavasya #NewMoon

#Krishna knew if #war began on Amavasya it was advantage #Duryodhana

So using his Krishna neethi 1/n
@Astrology_us So in order to confuse & convince it was #Amavasya a day before #NewMoon

He did tarpanam as a mark of respect to ancestors which is customary in our tradition

Seeing this msg went upto to all devas including #Sun & #moon tht today is Amavasya #surya #chandra #astrology... 2/n
@Astrology_us Immediately #Sun & #Moon rushed to earth to meet #Krishna

Askng him, on reachng bhoolokam why is he observng #Amavasya today while its actually further away

To this Krishna replied when #Surya & #Chandra are before me at d same time & place is it not #NewMoon #astrology.. 3/n
Read 5 tweets
Oct 1st 2018
Beyond the Veil - The #Ayyappan Sankalpa — A Long Thread !
The #SabarimalaTemple is many centuries-old and hosts an ancient deity, Sastha — #Ayyappan the main Vigraha (idol) of the temple, the deity is worshipped in the form of a Naishtika Brahmachari
This temple is not a prayer hall but is an energy centre; the Vigraha of #Ayyappan is not the representation of a God who is omnipresent, but as a source of energy (Chaithanya) from a mystical dimension.
Read 58 tweets

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