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Nov 15th 2022
Today isn't only #EnergyDay but also #CivilSocietyDay at #COP27.
Today, thousands of people are still in jail for daring to speak out for human rights, democracy & envr. integrity.
Today we remind leaders - once again - that there is no #ClimateJustice without #HumanRights.
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Since #COP27 started, civil society observers have never felt so popular: innumerable local staff members have been taking pictures & videos of us, our phone & laptop screens. Some observers have been stopped at the entrance, not for an autograph but to get their bags checked!
And while this constant level of control is unacceptable for a @UN meeting, they offer only a mild insight into the struggle our sisters & brothers go through every day, when basic #HumanRights like the freedom of speech,
press & peaceful assembly are not upheld.
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