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Feb 18th 2023
The #RussianUkrainianWar should serve as an occasion to delete the "#Eurasia" label from #areastudies. Unless it geologically denotes the entire Euro-Asiatic continent, "Eurasia" has #protofascist connotations. #Eurasianism was the Russian version of the #ConservativeRevolution.
PS: "#CentralEurasianStudies" seems to be ok if it denotes #CentralAsia, which can be seen to be in the center of both Asia and Eurasia, understood as continents rather than cultural realms.
PPS: See, on the similarities between #classicalEurasianism and the #ConservativeRevolution, the relevant papers by, above all, #LeonidLuks, but also by #MarleneLaruelle, #MartinBeisswenger, #StefanWiederkehr, #MarkBassin and other experts on Russian political thought.
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