PS: "#CentralEurasianStudies" seems to be ok if it denotes #CentralAsia, which can be seen to be in the center of both Asia and Eurasia, understood as continents rather than cultural realms.
Hier hat jemand dieses Dokument - die UnterzeichnerInnen des Appells von @SWagenknecht und @_AliceSchwarzer - als "Liste der Niedertracht" bezeichnet.
So weit würde ich nicht gehen... /1
@SWagenknecht@_AliceSchwarzer Aber stolz kann Deutschland auf die weit ins politische Zentrum reichende Unterstützung solcher Briefe nicht sein. Man hätte meinen sollen, dass gerade die deutschen Intellektuellen mehr aus dem 20. - sozusagen "unserem" - Jahrhundert gelernt haben.... /2
@SWagenknecht@_AliceSchwarzer In den Ländern, in denen wir seinerzeit am blutigsten gewütet haben, wird man derartige deutsche Appelle mit besonderer Verbitterung wahrnehmen..../3
There was and is a paradox, if not absurdity, in the long slowness and continuing partiality of #WesternEurope's decision to provide #Ukraine with #mainbattletanks (#MBTs). /1
Then, the moment came for these machines to be used for what they had been initially constructed and purchased - rather than being, as hitherto, simply decommissioned and scrapped. /3
While Germany has recently provided significant help to Ukraine, Berlin has also significant historical responsibility vis-a-vis Kyiv. In 1941-44, Germany devastated Ukraine. Since 2014, Berlin has indirectly helped Moscow to devastate Ukraine,.../1 @DUHK_2020@DGO_Berlin@dgapev
...the legitimacy and utility of the "#SpecialMilitaryOperation" and #PutinRegime. Once this happens, much of the occupied territories will be surrendered by #Russian troops to Kyiv and not have to be recaptured by #Ukrainian troops. /END
Commenting thread on the below and similar analyses:
There is too much emphasis, in many assessments of #Russia's 2014-15 & 2022 invasions of #Ukraine, on allegedly fundamental or even fatal mistakes made in these decisions by #Putin & his entourage. /1…
The ideological predisposition towards an irredentist revanche, in the neo-Soviet & -Tsarist elite of #Russia, has been strong since the 1990s. This imperial drive was waiting to become unleashed, and has been marginally contained by rational calculus & strategic deliberation. /2
It was looking for different ad hoc opportunities rather than developing competing long-term #strategies to become implemented. Soft, dark, sharp and other forms of non-military power instruments were only applied to the degree that they could replace traditional #hardpower. /3
Zuerst müsste die russisch besetzte Landverbindung von der #Krim zum #Donbas beseitigt werden. Der Isthmus von #Perekop zwischen der Festlandukraine und Krim kann von #Russland womöglich lange gehalten werden... /3