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Ночные забавы, часть 1 "Разбираем танчик" (полное видео…) #Мадяр #RussianUkrainianWar
Ночные забавы, часть 2 "Камаз подъехал" (полное видео…) #Мадяр #RussianUkrainianWar
Ночные забавы, часть 3 "Последствия с бедствиями" (полное видео…) #Мадяр #RussianUkrainianWar
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1/ ⚡️💡Po 6 dniach ofensywy na Zaporożu Ukraińcy przebili sie w kilku miejscach przez rosyjską pierwszą linię obrony. Ukraiński kanał Volya opublikował znów mapy i podał szacunki strat obu stron.
#RussianUkrainianWar #WojnaWUkrainie #counteroffensive Image
2/ Po przeanalizowaniu map, strat i innych faktów zawartych w artykule wydają się one nie odbiegać mocno od rzeczywistości, co pośrednio potwierdzać powoli i nie śmiało zaczynają również kanały rosyjskie.
3/ Naniosłem mapy z artykułu na mapy z zaznaczonymi rosyjskimi umocnieniami na Zaporożu oznaczonymi przez @GeoConfirmed. ImageImageImage
Read 18 tweets
💡1/Rosyjski reporter: "Z każdym kolejnym dniem walk coraz bardziej widoczne staje się wyczerpywanie pól minowych znajdujących się na przedpolach przed posterunkami, co znacznie osłabia potencjał obronny naszych oddziałów."
#WojnaWUkrainie #RussianUkrainianWar #counteroffensive Image
2/ "artyleria wroga orze nasze okopy, zmniejszając ich zdolność do ochrony personelu przed ostrzałem. Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, wróg konsekwentnie niszczy obronę" Image
3/ "Wprawdzie przeciwnikowi nie udało się jeszcze pokonać pierwszej linii obrony, za którą znajduje się druga i kolejne, to jednak potencjał przeciwnika jest daleki od zmarnowania..." Image
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#Ucrania #Ukraine #UkraineWar #Russia #UkraineRussiaWar #RussianUkrainianWar #WagnerGroup #WagnerPMC Image

#Ucrania #Ukraine #UkraineWar #Russia #UkraineRussiaWar #RussianUkrainianWar #WagnerGroup #WagnerPMC

#Ucrania #Ukraine #UkraineWar #Russia #UkraineRussiaWar #RussianUkrainianWar #WagnerGroup #WagnerPMC
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Recently released footage from #Russian sources show that #Marinka, heavily fortified over the last decade, seemingly impregnable to Russian advance, is finally near falling.

The work of the "flamethrower" TOS-1 indicates that only around 15% of the town remains in UA hands.
The TOS1A Solntsepyok, which cannot be too far behind (short range), is targeting UA positions in the western edge of the town. Little is left of the once lovely Donetsk suburb, famously captured from Russian separatists by the Azov battalion. ImageImageImage
Earlier in the war its capture would have been very strategic (as we have discussed earlier) as it distances UA artillery & observers from Donetsk city and opens up the way for additional RU advances in key directions. Today, less so as the UA forces have learned to dig in and
Read 6 tweets
⚡  Big Bear Russ Series ⚡
"Prepared to Checkmate"
🎼#USA,#NATO: President VVP-Putin mentioned that Russia hasn't even engaged with anything "Serious"as yet! Take that for real as the Russ Bear plays only #MAFO #Russia #Putin #RussianArmedForces
@313_ellia @360CNN… Image
⚡  Big Bear Russ Series ⚡
"Prepared to Checkmate"
🎼Combined Russian Military Aerospace Forces:
Su35-Flanker Cobra
Su57-Felon *Only 5th Gen. Capable of Dog Fights!
Su57-Fire Dragon Fury Sound
Su27- Rook
Keeping Underwater...A Quiet Surprise!➡️2of8,
#Pilots #FighterPilot…
⚡  Big Bear Russ Series ⚡
"Prepared to Checkmate"
🎼Combined Russian Military Aerospace Forces:
Aerospace Insignia
Russ Jets Fastest TakeOffs
Su57- Dazzling Capabilities
Su30-New Export Variation
Keeping Underwater...A Quiet Surprise!➡️3of8, #Syria
#Brazil #China #Africa :… Image
Read 8 tweets
❗In relazione a questa presunta deportazione illegale di bambini, la Corte dell'Aia ha anche emesso un mandato d'arresto contro Maria Lvova-Belova, Commissario per i diritti dei bambini sotto il Presidente della #Russia. A titolo di riferimento, va chiarito che Maria è russa,⬇️ Image
ortodossa, anche lei sposata con un prete ortodosso, è madre di 5 figli e custode di 22 figli.Nel 2012 e nel 2013 sono comparsi nella sua famiglia quattro bambini adottati, nel 2020 ha preso in custodia otto giovani con disabilità mentali, nel 2021 ha preso in custodia altri 5⬇️
disabili dell'orfanotrofio.
Va tutto bene, ma questi scappati di casa per qualche motivo hanno trascinato una donna.C'è una semplice spiegazione qui:
Sono accaniti contro lei: bianca, bella, di orientamento corretto, madre di 5 figli, sposata con un prete ortodosso. Un demone,⬇️
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Рашисты с более чем трёхкратным перевесом штурмуют позицию "Т-образка" #54омбр #всу, часть 1 (видео ускорено, полный оригинал тут #RussianUkrainianWar #архив
Рашисты с более чем трёхкратным перевесом штурмуют позицию "Т-образка" #54омбр #всу, часть 2 (видео ускорено, полный оригинал тут #RussianUkrainianWar #архив
Рашисты с более чем трёхкратным перевесом штурмуют позицию "Т-образка" #54омбр #всу, часть 3 (видео ускорено, полный оригинал тут #RussianUkrainianWar #архив
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#Russia ❗️"Il Giappone è un paese depresso anche perché sottoposto a un'enorme pressione di umiliazione nazionale.L'intera storia con i territori settentrionali è un modo miserabile di sublimare lo spirito militarista e samurai giapponese,che non poteva andare da nessuna parte,⬇️
perché il Giappone non ha effettuato la denazificazione, a differenza della #Germania.Gli #StatiUniti decisero che i giapponesi avevano dimenticato di essere stati sconfitti e che avevano lanciato una bomba atomica. E non per loro, ma per noi. È completamente umiliante. Gli ⬇️
americani hanno dimenticato che questo Giappone militarista ha commesso crimini nei territori dei paesi occupati, che hanno eclissato in scala qualsiasi atrocità nazista. In #Cina, in Corea, e così via, con una pacatezza e una metodicità che i tedeschi potrebbero invidiare".⬇️
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Chronology of the battle for Bakhmut
#RussianUkrainianWar @Deepstate_UA #Bakhmut
2/ The battle in the Bakhmut direction began after Popasnaya and Svitlodarsk were captured by Ru in May 2022. Bakhmut became the next city on the way of the Ru army. It is hard to imagine, but already in June 2022 Ru troops were 10 km from Bakhmut
3/ But in general, the pace of the offensive was the highest in the first months of the fighting. At that time, Russia captured territories 5 times larger than now, losing 10 times fewer soldiers.
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Атака 2х штурмовых групп вагнеровцев на позиции 2го батальона #54омбр #всу, 2я серия "Смерть вагнеров", часть 1 "Пора съёбывать" (полное видео #RussianUkrainianWar
Атака 2х штурмовых групп вагнеровцев на позиции 2го батальона #54омбр #всу, 2я серия "Смерть вагнеров", часть 2 "Кто не успел, тот опоздал" (полное видео #RussianUkrainianWar
Атака 2х штурмовых групп вагнеровцев на позиции 2го батальона #54омбр #всу, 2я серия "Смерть вагнеров", часть 3 "Русские своих не спасают" (полное видео #RussianUkrainianWar
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🧵 Why the war in 🇺🇦 #Ukraine?

Beyond the #propaganda of war which makes us more stupid than we are, let us rather analyse the deep reasons of this fratricidal war.

#WarInUkraine #RussianUkrainianWar Image
1. First of all, let's leave aside any #TikTok analysis, in a #war it's always about desecrating the enemy, making him more horrible than he really is.

Ukraine is not full of Neo #Nazis, and the #Russian army is not a bunch of rapists — You won’t believe it? but it’s true.
2. Also, it’s not a language or culture war, all these micro societal fights have strictly no interest.

This is only a question of geopolitical / geographical position of #Ukraine in the world — and nothing else.

To be more convinced of this, let's go back a bit.
Read 22 tweets
#BREAKING: An arrest warrant for russian president putin has been issued for war crimes because of his involvement in the abductions of children from Ukraine.
Arrest warrant issued for Vladimir Putin by International Criminal Court over Russia - Ukraine war
This certainly raises the stakes of this war. President Xi will have to change his calculus now. The Fuhrer will no longer be able to travel anywhere without fear of arrest. This is just the beginning of the warrants--every decision……
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Атака 2х штурмовых групп вагнеровцев на позиции 2го батальона #54омбр #всу, часть 1 "Крадуццо" (полное видео #RussianUkrainianWar
Атака 2х штурмовых групп вагнеровцев на позиции 2го батальона #54омбр #всу, часть 2 "Разминка" (полное видео #RussianUkrainianWar
Атака 2х штурмовых групп вагнеровцев на позиции 2го батальона #54омбр #всу, часть 3 "Далі буде..." (полное видео #RussianUkrainianWar
Read 5 tweets
The russians have already lost 15 #T90M tanks in 🇺🇦 -
Andriy Rudyk, representative of the Center for the Research of Trophy and Prospective Weapons and Military Equipment of @GeneralStaffUA, during a briefing at @MilMediaCenter.
Parts of #T90M

📸 Nazar Voloshyn.
Read 7 tweets
Бахмутское направление, сегодня (15/03/23) #93омбр #всу уронила птичку, будем надеяться, что вражескую. Кто-то успел выпрыгнуть #RussianUkrainianWar
Бахмутское направление, ну, по крайней мере, не украинская. Говорят, Су-25 это был… #Вагнер #потерьнет
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आज आपण अश्या कंपनीबद्दल जाणुन घेणार आहोत जी बर्याच जणांना माहिती नसेल पण नफ्याच्या बाबतीत ती कंपनी जगातील 'दादा' कंपनी आहे. खासकरून ऑईल मधील!!
या कंपनीचे नाव 'सौदी अरामको'(Saudi Aramco) असुन या कंपनीचा 2022 मधील नफा हा तब्बल १६१ बिलियन डॉलर्स एव्हढा आहे😱
#threadकर #वसुसेन
त्यात नेमकं 'अरामको' च्या पथ्यावर रशिया-युक्रेन युद्ध चांगलच पडलय.तेलाच्या भरमसाठ वाढलेल्या किंमती आणि अरामको ची तेल उपसायची क्षमता या सगळ्यामुळे ही कंपनी म्हणजे पैसे छापायचा कारखानाच झालाय. दिवसाला साधारण १.२ करोड बॅरल उपसायची ताकत ही कंपनी ठेवते.🔥
जाळनं धुर्र संगटच!!😅😄
म्हणजे विचार करा की अरामकोचा नफा मागील वर्षीपेक्षा तब्बल ४६% नी वाढला आहे!
आणखी सोप्या भाषेत म्हणल तर या कंपनीचा नफा एका बाजुला आणि अमेझाॅन, गुगल, मायक्रोसॉफ्ट आणि टेस्ला यांचा एकत्रित नफा एका बाजुला😄
आता तुम्हाला समजले असेल की अरामको ला मी सुरूवातीला 'दादा' कंपनी का म्हणलो ते!
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#SIPRI report on Global Arms Transfers (2018-2022):

▶️ #Ukraine became the world's third-largest importer of arms in 2022

▶️ #India received 30% of France’s arms in 2018-22, surpassing the US as the second-largest supplier of weapons to New Delhi.

Key highlights🧵

Imports of major arms by European states increased by 47 per cent between 2013–17 and 2018–22, while the global level of international arms transfers decreased by 5.1 per cent.
The United States’ share of global arms exports increased from 33 to 40 per cent while Russia’s fell from 22 to 16 per cent.
Read 15 tweets
1. 🇷🇺🇬🇪 Thousands of people protest against what has been condemned as a #Russian-style law that threatens #Georgia’s democracy, in #Tiblisi.
People chant Sakartvelo and Putin 'Khuylo'.
📹 Mariam Nikuradze…
2. Earlier the 🇺🇦 anthem was played after the 🇬🇪 anthem.

#Georgia #თბილისი #TbilisiProtests
#Tbilisi #Ukraine #Russia #protests
3. While the drafts of the law was being discussed, a minute of silence was observed to pay tribute to the victims in #Ukraine 🇬🇪🇺🇦
#Georgia #თბილისი #TbilisiProtests
#Tbilisi #Ukraine #Russia #protests
#RussianUkrainianWar #Sakartvelo
Read 31 tweets
[ Analysis ] 3 weak spots of Ukraine's Avdiivka Front that can cause operational encirclement

#War #Military #UkraineWar #Russia #Ukraine #UkraineRussia #RussianInvasion #UkraineRussianWar #RussianUkrainianWar

Russian forces are currently stepping up their Avdiivka Offensive, where OSINT reports bigger and heavier bombs being used on the city targets.
Russian forces are also attacking across the entire front, from Pervomaiske all the way to Avdiivka itself on the western flank, and from Kamyanka all the way to Novokalynove on the northern flank.
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[ Battle of Bakhmut ] Ukraine to STAY & FIGHT for Bakhmut; Zelenskyy throwing Generals under the bus

#War #Military #UkraineWar #Russia #Ukraine #UkraineRussia #RussianInvasion #UkraineRussianWar #RussianUkrainianWar

In a curious turn of event, Zelenskyy puts out a very public video, claiming that he accepted his generals' decision to stay and fight for Bakhmut; instead of the tactical/organised withdrawal that is reportedly underway.
This could either be Zelenskyy throwing the generals under the bus; or perhaps the generals indeed is responding to the Wagner PMC's ammunition woes; to ride on the effectivenss of the counteroffensives thus far, to retake the surrounding regions of Bakhmut.
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Ukraine counterattack to cover tactical withdrawal from Bakhmut - [ Ukraine SITREP ] Day 374 (4/3)

#War #Military #UkraineWar #Russia #Ukraine #UkraineRussia #RussianInvasion #UkraineRussianWar #RussianUkrainianWar

Mass Ukrainian withdrawal reported from the central and western districts of Bakhmut, and the withdrawal conducted along the country roads between Khromove and Ivanivske. Image
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1/n #Bakhmut - głównym celem UA jest bezpieczne wyprowadzenie wojsk z okrążenia, które RUS próbują domknąć. Są trzy teatry działań:
1. ewakuacja UA ze wschodniego miasta
2. opóźnienie natarcia RUS na północy
3. odepchnięcie RUS od drogi na #ChasivYar #WojnaWUkrainie
2/n Rosjanie do 3 marca mają termin na zdobycie #Bakhmut, dlatego od jutra szturm się tylko nasili. Będą chcieli wziąć miasto chociażby w okrążenie i ogłosić sukces.
3/n Po wycofaniu się UA sił za rzekę w #Bakhmut nastąpi odwrót do #ChasivYar. Najsilniejszy kontratak UA prowadzą na południe od #Ivanivske, żeby zabezpieczyć drogę odwrotu. Na północy UA próbuje stabilizować rosyjski przełom, ale go już nie zlikwiduje.
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Based on Tatarigami's excellent thread on the subject, below is an OOB of the Assault Unit/Detachment which has become the Russian's have been using in their recent offensive operations in Ukraine.
#RussianUkrainianWar #Military
The lack of infantry, heavy losses in vehicles and reliance on artillery for firepower that have thus far characterised much of Russia's approach in Ukraine are on display for all to say. However, there are others better qualified to discuss what this is likely to mean
moving forwards into the rest of 2023. So, I will try to stay in my lane, such as it is, and talk about aspects of this OOB that strike me and the lessons they can teach other armies, specifically although not only the British, moving forwards.
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