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Mar 16th 2023
šŸ§µon $BAX

During the #bankingcrisis people are losing faith in #traditionalbanking system. Users cannot access their funds, stock prices are plummeting, and impending #CBDC. THE WORLD NEEDS ANOTHER VIABLE SOLUTION!
$XRP $BTC $ETH #remittance #CryptoTwitter #cryptocurrency
Bank Accounts Based on Blockchain (#BABB) was created by @Rushdaverroes in 2018. The goal was to leverages #blockchain, biometrics and machine learning to offer revolutionary decentralized banking services for people across the globe building a new global banking network!
@getbabb intrinsic design has proven to be next generation as they offer a bank account on the #BABB platform, compliant with UK regulations, available to any eligible person or business in the world, instantly, without the need for a UK address or credit history.
Read 20 tweets
Mar 13th 2022
@ArmitageJim @premnsikka 1/ The curious case of ā€œdisguise, I see thou art a wickednessā€ [Viola, Twelfth Night] - PART 1 of 2: <Background>. On 22/Oct/2021 #ClearBank froze the accounts of @theFCAā€™s notorious #Emoney op #Viola Money(Europe) Ltd ā€œVMELā€, ā€¦
2/ citing ā€œfinancial crime concernsā€ + informed the slumbering UK regulator (@theFCA). A week later VMELā€™s Estonian bank (#LHV) issued 2 months termination notice to VMEL. 4 days later (on 2/11/2021) the FCA finally issued a pitiful ā€˜1st supervision noticeā€™ BUT astonishingly ā€¦
3/ still allowed VMEL to carry out unsupervised ā€˜individual transactionsā€™ of <Ā£5k (remember this + this date for Part 2). 6 days later astonishingly the FCA reportedly backtracked + rescinded even the conditions of itā€™s pitiful ā€˜1st supervision noticeā€™ (#BigLaw no doubt ā€¦
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