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#COVID19NIGERIA We have all heard about how the @NCDCgov toll free number has been inundated with phone calls. So much so that it is difficult for them to attend to priority cases. Let's #TakeResponsibility for our #COVID19 response by cooperating with the authorities. 1/n
#COVID19NIGERIA We now have more people who were exposed to newly identified #COVID19 cases. If you fall in this category, your first action is to please try to STAY CALM. Your next one should NOT BE to call @NCDCgov BUT TO #selfIsolate. This is how to #selfisolate👇🏾. 2/n
#COVID19NIGERIA If you traveled to #Nigeria in the last 2 weeks from a country with widespread #COVID19 including transiting there for >24 hours, the FIRST STEP is to #selfisolate. The same applies if you have been exposed to a confirmed #COVID19 case. #TakeResponsibility 3/n
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