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Mar 10th 2020
Matt Gaetz echoed Trump's claims of Coronavirus concern being a partisan hoax in February.

Matt Gaetz wore a gas mask on the house floor to make fun of a Coronavirus financial package on March 4th.

Matt Gaetz had one of his constituents - the first in Florida - die of Coronavirus on March 6th.

Matt Gaetz rode in air force one, and in a car with Trump on March 9th.

Later on March 9th, Matt Gaetz quarantined himself due to exposure at February's CPAC.

Also self quarantined; Mark Meadows, Matt Schlapp, Doug Collins, Ted Cruz, and Paul Gosar; all due to exposure at February's CPAC.

This Coronavirus has one hell of a sense of humor.

#WuhanVirus #COVID #COVID19 #coronavirus #CPACcoronavirus #MattGaetzIsATool
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