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Jul 14th 2020
BREAKING: #COVID19 cruise restrictions prevent over 30 billion litres of pollution dumping into Canada's Pacific Ocean waters. Read the press release:… And follow along on the press conference with @standearth @WWFCanada:… #cdnpoli
"This report exposes the staggering amount of water pollution cruise ship traffic releases into B.C. coastal waters in non-pandemic years. It begs the question: How can we build back better in the future to confidently welcome back cruise ships?" -Anna Barford of @standearth
"If the 2020 cruise season had gone ahead, the habitat of endangered #SRKW & threatened #NRKW would have had to deal w 220M litres of sewage, 1.8B litres of greywater, and a dominating 31B litres of scrubber washwater off the coast of B.C." -Anna Barford @standearth #bcpoli
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