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Jun 7th 2019
Lest we forget that freedom that is never free. Normandy then and now.
"They fight not for the lust of conquest. They fight to end conquest. They fight to liberate."
-- President Franklin D. Roosevelt's official address announcing the invasion #DDAY75
"They're murdering us here. Let's move inland and get murdered."
--Colonel Charles D. Canham, 116th Infantry Regiment commander, on Omaha Beach #DDay75thAnniversary
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Jun 6th 2019
On the 75th Anniversary of D-Day, there is no place I would rather be than Normandy, where I can trace the footsteps of the thousands of American soldiers who stormed these beaches and began the liberation of a continent.
The men who fought, bled, and died here helped end Nazi tyranny in Europe and changed the course of world history. Their courage and devotion to duty will never be forgotten.
As the son of a World War II veteran who served in the European theatre, I am especially thankful for their sacrifice. Today, I join all Americans in honoring these heroes.
Read 4 tweets
Jun 6th 2019
I hope you're ready for another thread discussing things that are less widely known that the iconic Robert Capa pictures of Omaha Beach #DDay75thAnniversary
As I wrote yesterday, capturing the beaches was the easy part. You may have though then that this was just a way to capture your attention. It wasn't. Compared to the weeks following the landings, the beaches were the easy part. /
"Oh", you may say "but we have all seen 'Saving private Ryan', and we all know that it was one big bloodbath." Well, exactly that it wasn't. Let's discuss facts and figures. By midnight, 130.000 men had landed on the beaches, and close to 23.000 man had been airborne. /
Read 33 tweets
Jun 6th 2019
Today marks the 75th Anniversary of the storming of the beaches at #Normandy. It is our duty & privilege to honor the lives sacrificed on that day.

There’s also a myth that no Black men participated on #DDay and that is not true.

A thread⬇️ #DDay75
Meet 90-year old Joann Woodson. She's on a mission to share the truth about the participation of Black men on #DDay.

Her late husband, Waverly Woodson, was one of the few Black soldiers known to have served on Omaha Beach. #DDay75
Waverly Woodson, a 21-year-old medic from Philadelphia, treated at least 200 injured men on #DDay, despite being injured himself. He was with the lone African-American combat unit to fight on D-Day. #DDay75 #DDay75thAnniversary
Read 8 tweets
Jun 6th 2019
#GenDunford on #DDay75: "On the 75th anniversary of the #Normandy Landings, we express our utmost gratitude to our Nation’s World War II veterans. Their unwavering dedication and devotion to our country and our way of life cannot be overstated. (1/4)
As we remember their sacrifices on the beaches of Northern France, we are reminded of a simple adage: ‘Weapons of war come and go, but the great constant is the people.’ (2/4) #DDay75thAnniversary
They answered the world’s call for help without hesitation or indecision in the midst of great peril to themselves and their fellow service members. Without their immeasurable sacrifices, this experiment we call democracy would no longer exist. (3/4) #HonorThem
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Jun 6th 2019
Seventy-five years ago, my father and his small cell of French resistance fighters were in hiding in the Loire Valley, where they carried out acts of sabotage against the Nazis.
As we commemorate #DDay75thAnniversary, I wanted to share my Dad’s recollections of the historic time.
He doesn’t like to talk about his experiences during the war, but reluctantly agreed to let me share these reflections. Perhaps because he doesn’t think French resistance fighters’ contributions are fully recognized — “Maybe because most people are dead.” #DDay75thAnniversary
Read 32 tweets
Jun 5th 2019
6 Jun 44. 0050hrs. The airborne operation has commenced. The 5th Brigade of the 6th British Airborne Division commanded by General Nigel Poett is dropped near Ranville. #DDay75
6 Jun 44 01:11
716th German Infantry Division warns General Marcks of the 84th Army Corps in Saint-Lô of the presence of enemy airborne units in the Cotentin. #DDay75
The pathfinders of the 82nd Airborne Division jump over Normandy above the Cotentin to attempt to mark 3 landing zones for the rest of the division (Drop Zones N, O and T) #DDay75
Read 28 tweets
Jun 5th 2019
I'm excited to finally show you my new collection of colorized photographs - #DDay75 | June 6, 1944.

Enjoy it, send me your feedback and if you like it, please share/RT.
Thank you.…
"Soldiers, Sailors, and Airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force: You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you..." #DDay75thAnniversary
This is the letter that Eisenhower set aside "in case of failure."

"Our landings in the Cherbourg-Havre area have failed to gain a satisfactory foothold and I have withdrawn the troops. My decision to attack at this time and place was based upon the best information available..
Read 8 tweets
Jun 5th 2019

D-Day and the American Spirit

#DDay75thAnniversary #DDay75 #DDay

Column here:…
The allied victory 75 years ago in the battle of D-Day was hard-won by the men on the ground. The day after troops landed on the beaches of Normandy on June 6, 1944, war correspondent Ernie Pyle also stood on the beach and wrote a recap of the battle that had taken place. (1)
After the so-called “longest day,” fighting still continued a couple miles inland. On the beach, troops still faced sniper and artillery fire, and the occasional landmine. (2)
Read 28 tweets

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