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Oct 24th 2020
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Oct 20th 2020
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Sep 18th 2020
Hateful Biased narrative of #JavedAkhtar

Wrote scripts to 24 Bollywood films wth writer Salim frm '70 to '82. Mostly crime-based.

#5 Mafia dons ruled Bombay then: HajiMastan, YousufPatel, KarimLala, VaradarajanMudaliyar & DawoodIbrahim. But his films never had a Muslim villain.
In the film #Deewar scripted by #JavedAkhtar it was a familiar narrative. Hero was an atheist who wears a #786 badge which saves him when shot. Clever!

Just like this script writer who claims he was an atheist but never spoke against Pakistan or Jihadis or Muslim terrorists.
From 1983 to 2006, #JavedAkhtar scripted 14 more films but never shown a Muslim negatively. So from 1970 to 2006, in 38 films, not a single Muslim character was a villain.

But the villain was always a Hindu! Coincidence or planned? You decide.
Read 5 tweets

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