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Most recents (24)

Apr 18th 2023
There are still tech companies hiring for roles that don't require experience or a degree to get hired🎉 Here are 15+ roles paying up to $90K 🧵
Google, Accenture, IBM, HP, Cloud for Good & others have roles in Data Analytics, AI, Data Engineering, ServiceNow, Salesforce, Cloud, UX, Product Management, Product Design, Project Management, Digital Marketing, Software & Systems Engineering.

#jobsearch #Job #TechisHiring
The roles are in Data Analytics, AI, Data Engineering, ServiceNow, Salesforce, Cloud, Full-Stack, UX, Product Management, Product Design, Project Management, Digital Marketing, Software and Systems Engineering.
Read 20 tweets
Mar 8th 2023
Fijne internationale #vrouwendag #WomensDay allemaal! Naast vandaag alle vrouwen in het zonnetje te zetten, en ze dankbaar te zijn voor alles wat ze je hebben bijgebracht, ook even je aandacht voor het volgende: 👇
De tech-wereld wordt nog altijd gedomineerd door mannen. Dat is een probleem, want de technologie die gemaakt wordt heeft (soms levensbepalende of levensbedreigende) gevolgen voor vrouwen. Bindende leestip voor vandaag van @CCriadoPerez :…
Ben jij een man? Dan zijn dit wat dingen die jij kunt doen om voor meer (gender)gelijkheid te zorgen binnen jouw organisatie. Via @betterallies (, volg hen! Een bingokaart met daarop de tekst die via deze link te leze
Read 11 tweets
Jan 12th 2023
Here are 3 programs training 100 ppl to become a Software Engineers, Quality Assurance Testers & Data Analysts in the next 14-16 weeks. + offering roles paying avg salaries upwards of $100K+ 🧵
Shipt is giving 20, $13K Scholarships for a Software Engineering bootcamp!🎉
➡ US citizens/Perm
📆Apply by Jan 23, Starts Feb 27
🐍Gain #SoftwareEngineering skills in 14 weeks
💰Job Interviews

#womenwhocode #blacktechtwitter #codenewbie
Perficient is giving 40+, $13K Scholarships for Software Engineering, Quality Assurance & Data Analyst bootcamps!🎉

➡ US citizens/Perm resident
📆Apply by Feb 27, Starts Apr 3
💰Job Interview

#womenwhocode #blacktechtwitter #codenewbie
Read 8 tweets
Dec 3rd 2022
My #FGM Horror💔
"My Leg Was Dislocated During FGM; I Now Limp!"
Nastehe Abubakar Recalls It:
"I was led to the bush first before my colleagues were taken there; I thought I was just going for a short tour when my mother led me into a hut. Suddenly, a group of #women wrestled me
to the ground and tore my clothes.
As I struggled to escape from their grip, some pulled my legs apart while the others held my arms down. My mom abandoned me in the hands of the women.
My leg was dislocated in the struggle as they went ahead to have their way, the blade piercing
sharply through my flesh, leaving me in excruciating pain.
After the cut, they didn't bother to check whether I got other injuries but instead bound my legs together with a rope to the waist after sewing my wounds.
For almost a month, I was bound to my waist and slept on my side;
Read 7 tweets
Nov 20th 2022
⚠️📢⚗🚨Pls RT‼️
#MSNBC #WomenWhoCode #WomenInSTEM #thelaundress
#IDTwitter @B0tSci
1/ "Some strains of PSEUDOMONAS are ANTIBIOTIC resistant, which can increase the seriousness of the infection. (Der) Pseudomonas can... contaminate & grow on LAUNDRY 👀
2/& at high enough levels spreads via contact w/contaminated laundry/sheets/pillowcases/sleepwear, etc.

Pseudomonas also spreads by inhalation & can cause👉CYSTIC FIBROSIS‼️Per Consumer Reports, Pseudomonas a. is a VERY hardy bacteria +can grow in many different conditions.MORE
3/ #Pseudomonas
#AntibioticResistance #influencers
#thelaundress #RECALLED
#Fashion #MaskUp
Consumer Reports, says Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a “very hardy bacteria,” which means it can grow in a lot of different conditions.
Read 10 tweets
Sep 30th 2022
Beginners guide to DSA.
What to learn and in which order🧵
1. Learn one primary programming language(suggesting to choose OOP based language like C++ or java)
2. Learn programming fundamentals.

3. Write down all Data structures and algorithms to be learn in sequence:
a. Arrays
b. Strings
c. Structure and Class
d. Pointer
e. Linked list
f. Stack
g. Queues
h. Sorting algorithms
i. Searching algorithms
j. Greedy algorithms

Read 7 tweets
May 27th 2022
Day 75 of #100DaysOfDeFI 🚀 today 3/4 of the challenge is done! 🎉  Also today I finish exploring Solidity vulnerabilities with learning about Denial of service (DoS) attacks 🦹🏼‍♀️
#womenwhocode #100DaysOfCode

How it works 🧵
1/ There are many ways to attack a smart contract and at some point create a DoS⚡
2/ Denial of Service attack paralyzes a smart contract and makes it temporarily unusable 🛑
Read 9 tweets
May 26th 2022
Day 74 of #100DaysOfDeFI 🚀 Today I learned about Delegate Call vulnerability in #Solidity 🦹🏼‍♀️  When using delegatecall opcode one should be careful because wrong usage will lead to unexpected results ⚠️
#womenwhocode #100DaysOfCode

How it works 🧵 Image
1/ What delegatecall is? When contract A uses delegatecall to call contract B it means that the contract B code will be executed inside context of the contract A: storage, msg.sender, msg.value,, etc will be the A’s context.
2/ Storage layout must be the same for contract A and contract B → it means both contracts should declare the same state variables in the same order 👾
Read 8 tweets
May 24th 2022
Day 72 of #100DaysOfDeFI 🚀  Today I looked at arithmetic Over/Under Flows in #Solidity 👾 This vulnerability been secured by the current Solidity version 🦸‍♂️ Nevertheless, it is important to understand what it is and how to avoid it 👩🏻‍💻
#womenwhocode #100DaysOfCode

Summary 🧵 Image
1/ An overflow in Solidity occurs when a number is incremented beyond its maximum value. For example, if we have a uint8 with a value of 255 and increment it by 1, it will “reset” and set a value to 0. Remember, the maximum value for uint8 is 255❗
2/ Similar thing happens when we decrease a value beyond its minimal level. Taking the same example, if a uint8 is set to 0 and we decrease it by 1, it will set to 255, since 0 is the minimal value of uint8❗
Read 7 tweets
May 18th 2022
Day 68 of #100DaysOfDeFI 🚀 Today I worked on the Factory smart contract that is a part of the decentralized exchange architecture 💱  Factory creates and keeps track of all Pair contracts 👩🏻‍💻
#womenwhocode #100DaysOfCode

Summary 🧵 Image
1/ The Factory will include:
🔷 createPair - create a Liquidity Pool;
🔷 adjustAmount - adjust a number of tokens using a formula;
🔷 getReserves - a getter function;
🔷 addLiquidity - add liquidity to the LP;
🔷 removeLiquidity - withdraw liquidity;
🔷 trade1for2 - swap tokens.
2/ First, initialize contract and define the state variables 👩🏻‍💻 Image
Read 8 tweets
May 17th 2022
Day 67 of #100DaysOfDeFI 🚀 Today I continued creating a basic DEX 👩🏻‍💻  and focused on developing a Pair smart contract 👾  Pair represents the Liquidity Pool 🪙 it is in charge of swapping 💱 managing the liquidity pool and burning 🔥
#womenwhocode #100DaysOfCode

Summary 🧵
1/ In this example of the Pair smart contract I’ll implement the following methods:
🔶  getReservers - get quantities of each token;
🔶  updateReserves - update the tokens’ quantities;
🔶  swap - exchange two tokens;
🔶  withdrawTokens - send the tokens back to the LP.
2/ First, initialize the Pair contract. We’ll need to import some contracts from OpenZeppelin and a Tokens contract from the day 66 of the challenge. Initialize state variables and constructor, too👩🏻‍💻
Read 7 tweets
May 16th 2022
Day 66 of #100DaysOfDeFI 🚀  Today and the following days I'll dive into DEXs implementation in #Solidity ⭐️ I’ll review the Uniswap smart contracts and create a decentralized exchange protocol 👩🏻‍💻 
#womenwhocode #100DaysOfCode

Summary 🧵 Image
1/ Uniswap smart contract architecture consists of Core and Periphery:
🔹 Core is used for storing and swapping the tokens, adding funds, getting rewards, etc;
🔹 Periphery interacts with the Core.
2/ Core stores the following smart contracts:
🔹 Pair - swaps, mints and burns tokens;
🔹 Factory - creates pairs of tokens;
🔹 ERC20 - keeps track of ownership of pool.

Periphery has only 1 smart contract:
🔹 Router - interacts with the Core.
Read 6 tweets
May 11th 2022
Day 63 of #100DaysOfDeFI 🚀 Today I learned how to deploy an NFT collection on a testnet 🤖  and uploaded a collection of watermelon houses generated with AI on OpenSea 🐳  special thanks to @javilop for creating these cute houses! 🍉
#womenwhocode #100DaysOfCode

Summary 🧵
1/ First, upload a collection of images on Pinata, I described it in detail on day 56 of the challenge 🔙
2/ Now create json files for each image and add CID to “image” 👇
Read 9 tweets
May 10th 2022
Day 62 of #100DaysOfDeFI 🚀 Today I continued deploying smart contracts on Ethereum testnet Rinkeby and uploaded a duck 🦆 NFT on OpenSea 👩🏻‍💻
#womenwhocode #100DaysOfCode

Summary 🧵
1/ First, prepare the jpeg file and metadata for the NFT. We’ll use Pinata platform for hosting files 🦙 A jpeg is an image we want to deploy as an NFT and a json file is the metadata. So, create an account in and first upload the image.
2/ There will be a CID generated that we have to add to the json file. In name section add “” and the image CID. Upload the json file too 👩🏻‍💻
Read 7 tweets
May 9th 2022
Day 61 of #100DaysOfDeFI 🚀 Today I learned how to deploy tokens on Ethereum testnet 👾  for this I will use Rinkeby testnet and Remix IDE for developing smart contract 👩🏻‍💻
#womenwhocode #100DaysOfCode

Summary 🧵 Image
1/ Use code from the day 57 of the challenge to create ERC20 tokens 👇 Image
2/ Then, create 2 additional accounts on Rinkeby testnet on MetaMask 🦊 For that, just choose the Rinkeby testnet and click “Create account” 👾 Image
Read 9 tweets
Apr 17th 2022
10 FREE tech programs and bootcamps that will help you land roles in Data, Software or Web Development, Cloud, Project Management, Tech Sales, No-Code software and more!

All of the programs below have a hiring component involved. This means the program is invested in you completing it and getting to an interview at minimum and ideally hired with one of their hiring partners.
Anaplan is a no-code platform that trains you in data and project management together while building solutions to help company's plan everything from hiring, to sales, inventory and more. Average salary is $94K. (Glassdoor)
Read 12 tweets
Mar 14th 2022
So I was wondering about my career and what success means to me... Read more in the thread :) #career #careeradvice #professionaldevelopment #womenintech #womeninstem #womenwhocode #girlswhocode
Sometimes, I like to ponder on what I have been doing in my career and whether I am living the life that I want. I've often been labelled as an ambitious go-getter (in the nicest way, I think!). Some might even consider my career history as a success story.
But for me personally, I don't consider it as a success story. Allow me to explain...
Read 15 tweets
Dec 5th 2021
I have got them all three in one picture, MacOS, Linux and… :-) What exactly is an Operating System(OS) and what does it do? An OS is a Software layer between the Hardware and all your other applications. The main task of the OS is to manage the
#coding #womenwhocode
execution of the other applications, it decides when and for how long the apps get access to the Hardware.
This includes access to the CPU (central processing unit, your PC`s “brain”), the I/O (Input/Output) devices (like a printer for example) and to memory. Like this the OS
helps that the Hardware is used efficiently. An example could be that you can continue writing something while your printer is printing.
Because there are always a lot of app processes running at the same time, the OS needs to coordinate all of them so that the user gets the
Read 5 tweets
Jul 10th 2021
Read 259 tweets
Jul 10th 2021
Open Source is a great way to improve your reputation as a dev, and practice your coding skills by reading other people's code and receiving feedback!
It's also a great way to give back to the community!

How to contribute?
A thread 🧵
#Coding #WomenWhoCode #webdevelopment
1⃣ Find a project in GitHub you're interested in!

Usually this is the first step. Finding a project that interests you will motivate and help you become an active contributor. But as a #CodeNewbie, or your first time contributing, your first approach might be a bit different👇
If you're a beginner, the difficulty of the issues might put you off from choosing a project you like (happened to me!). Don't worry about it, beginners can contribute to open source and add contributing experience to their resumes as well. 👇
Read 11 tweets
Jun 29th 2021
Read 284 tweets
May 16th 2021
People are turning to podcasts to gain insights into new topics and conversations.

Podcasts keep you informed on the latest programming news. 😄

🧵So in this Top 5 series, I am going to tell you the top 5 Podcasts for python.🧵👇
1⃣ Talk Python To Me

- Since Mar 2015

- Hosted By: Micheal Kennedy

- Talk Python to Me is a weekly podcast.

- The show covers a wide array of Python topics as well as many related topics (e.g. MongoDB, AngularJS, DevOps).
- Each episode features a new industry expert, software developers, or data scientist.

- The format is a casual 45-minute conversation with the guest.
Read 14 tweets
May 9th 2021
Essential html tips you must know: 😋
Thread 🧵👇🏻

1️⃣ Viewport:
Make your website responsive by adding this viewport tag
ps: No website is complete without this tag 😅

#javascript #100daysofcode #Coding #Python #programming #webdevelopment #codinglife #developer #WomenWhoCode Image
2️⃣ Theme colour:
Add an extra touch by customising the colour of the mobile browser header. 👇🏻

#javascript #100daysofcode #Coding #Python #programming #webdevelopment #DataScience #developer #WomenWhoCode #code #CodeNewbie Image
3️⃣ Charset:
Avoid any special characters showing up incorrectly by specifying the charset in your HTML code 👇🏻

#javascript #100daysofcode #Coding #Python #programming #webdevelopment #codinglife #developer #WomenWhoCode #womenintech #html #Website Image
Read 5 tweets

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