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Nov 15th 2020
BREAKING: Tension in #EdoState as supremacy clashes btw rival cult groups have persisted in #BeninCity, the state capital; at least 20 persons have died in the last one week. Cult group opened fire on three Policemen on Friday. #Military have been deployed to the troubled areas.
So many Small Arms & Light Weapons (SALW) in the hands of hoodlums in #Lagos, #Edo & #Rivers States; a serious threat to internal security of the aforementioned states. There’s urgent need for citizens to help security agencies with credible intelligence to recover those weapons.
Insecurity alert level will increase in #Lagos, #Edo, #Rivers, #Ondo & #Delta States by December unless security agencies step up surveillance & intel to recover looted arms & ammo in d hands of hoodlums. Security agencies + military can curtail it via credible intel from locals
Read 4 tweets
Jul 25th 2020
During the flag-off ceremony of my governorship election campaign, I thanked the National Working Committee of the @OfficialPDPNig , on behalf of the people of #EdoState, for providing an umbrella to shield us when we were thrown out into the rain.
Four years ago, I made a promise to transform #EdoState; this is happening already. We have put our people first, even though this put us in trouble. God brought us thus far because the voice of our people is the voice of God.
In the coming days, we will unveil our programme, which is titled, Make Edo Great Again (MEGA).
Read 13 tweets
Apr 19th 2020
Also, I want to reiterate that the ban on street trading, which was announced by the Deputy Governor, Rt. Hon. Comrade Philip Shaibu, is in the best interest of our people.
This move is aimed at ensuring that all trading activities in this period is concentrated in the pry and secondary school premises, where we are strictly enforcing the social distancing policy as well as the hygiene and safety precautions, to slow the spread of #COVID19.
Many families and individuals are suffering as a result of the partial lock down. That is why we have started distributing food items to over 50,000 vulnerable families and will give medical support to even more.
Read 15 tweets
Apr 19th 2020

My dear good people of #EdoState, I am pleased to speak to you once again, and to intimate you on actions and steps which have been taken to tackle the spread of #COVID19 pandemic in the state.
After I established the State #COVID19 Response Team, we commissioned an epidemiological study in conjunction with #UBTH to predict and guide the course of action required to control the spread of the #COVID19 in Edo.
The model predicted that after the Edo first confirmed case on the 23rd, we will see 8 cases within the first 3 weeks, and a growth that could peak to about 500,000 cases in the last week of June except we take some actions.
Read 25 tweets
Apr 8th 2020
My good people of #EdoState, I am glad to inform you that I have now completed my 14 days self-isolation period as a result of my exposure to confirmed cases of coronavirus (#COVIDー19).

I want to appreciate everyone for your prayers and messages of goodwill, solidarity and support. In line with our social distancing policy, I will continue to limit physical interactions.

Throughout my period of isolation, I effectively coordinated all our efforts as a State, and will now like to update you on the activities and efforts which the very dedicated #EdoState #COVIDー19 Response team have been undertaking to curb this pandemic.

Read 23 tweets
Oct 4th 2019
When I hosted members of the Benin Unity League, I declared my interest to run for a second term in office because I have fulfilled most of my promises to Edo people.
This will also enable me consolidate my administration’s developmental strides in #EdoState .
I have said it clearly and I told my cabinet members that second term for me is non-negotiable. I am demanding it because I deserve it and I think I have earned it. We need to have it so we can continue what we are doing today.
Read 4 tweets

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