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Dec 5th 2019
The poor #OrangeLine service this week is unacceptable. The T must prioritize immediate steps to ensure that enough cars are in service & can operate without delays. The issues with the new cars must be resolved quickly so they can fully replace the old fleet in the near future.
We're pursuing many initiatives to improve our transportation system. Projects are underway to upgrade Oak Grove & Winchester Center stations, a needs analysis is almost complete for Malden Center, & we're calling for accessibility improvements at the Wakefield commuter station.
I'm leading the effort in the legislature to advance the #FairShareAmendment. If successful, this effort will generate significant new revenues to invest in improving our transportation infrastructure, including roads, bridges, and public transit.
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Jun 20th 2019
#ICYMI: I was proud to speak in support of the #FairShareAmendment at last week’s Constitutional Convention, a joint session of the @MA_Senate & House. It received enormous support, with 75% of legislators voting to advance the proposal. #mapoli

The revenues that would be raised by the #FairShareAmendment are needed to increase funding for our #PublicSchools, make #PublicHigherEducation more affordable for students and families, and fix our state’s crumbling roads, bridges and #PublicTransit. #mapoli
The #FairShareAmendment, which asks our wealthiest households earning more than $1 million annually to pay slightly higher taxes, is the fairest way to make the investments that our #Commonwealth badly needs. #mapoli
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Jun 12th 2019
No, this isn’t Groundhog Day— we’re taking up the #FairShareAmendment because we have tremendous needs that hurt MA families and threaten our economic success.

We’re underfunding K-12 public education & public higher education. Our transportation system is crumbling. #mapoli
How do we fund these investments?

The working people of MA can’t afford to pay higher taxes to fund our needs. But the #FairShareAmendment is a progressive and fair way to raise $2 billion each year for these critical education and transportation investments. #mapoli
Our upside down tax system currently demands more from lower and middle class taxpayers than the wealthiest, but the #FairShareAmendment would reduce that disparity

Those who have benefited most from MA’s economic success can afford to do more for the betterment of all. #mapoli
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Oct 25th 2018
"On average, MA households with the lowest incomes contribute a larger percentage of their incomes in state & local taxes than do households in the top 20 percent of incomes. In fact, those with the highest incomes contribute the lowest percentage of their incomes." - @MassBudget
This report showcases exactly why we need to continue to pursue the #FairShareAmendment (aka #MillionairesTax) to make our state’s tax system fairer and more progressive, and to raise badly needed revenue to invest in our schools and transportation system…
If re-elected, I plan to file the #FairShareAmendment as a legislative constitutional amendment in January.…

This approach would not be subject to the same issues that derailed the @RaiseUpMA ballot question, & it's a policy fight that we can and must win
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Sep 10th 2018
Crumbling concrete, leaking roofs, and busted elevators: the state of the T… via @BostonGlobe
The dilapidated state of our #PublicTransit #infrastructure is unacceptable. We shouldn't accept the idea that the #MBTA management has to choose between improving service and upgrading facilities. We have to do both: good public transit is vital for our communities.

This is why I have announced plans to revive the #FairShareAmendment. It is the most progressive way to significantly increase investment in the MBTA & other infrastructure. We must continue to explore other funding sources to meet the immediate needs of our transportation system
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