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Mar 14th 2020
A friend just told me his boss (who’s the CEO but in general runs the company in a very modernized/worker friendly way) is willing to allow work from home but refusing to take more safety precautions b/c “the whole #COVID19 thing is a hoax from the biased media”. #MAGAMasochism😷
The whole story really highlights the problem with the unholy alliance between business owners, supply side economics (that aren’t worker friendly) and the @GOP. In a public health crisis, the CEO mentality still attempts to maintain profits while skimping on worker well-being.
IOW, the CEO mentality is very much aligned with Trump’s inclination to minimize the threat of Coronavirus/COVID19, not just b/c many of them voted for this disaster and still support it, but b/c acknowledging the scope of the problem then working to fix it requires less profit.
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