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What makes Freddy Krueger an iconic horror villain?

I thought it would be fun to look at a specific horror icon and examine the psychology behind their appeal.

For the general background on this, see my recent thread:

So, why is Freddy so great?

Let's start with his looks.

Freddy loves kids, has a great sense of fashion and is, in some ways, the man of your dreams. However, I think we can all agree that he might not fare too well on Tinder.

Rather than masking his face, Freddy proudly shows it.

When you first saw these photos, you probably had a similar reaction as when you saw Freddy’s face. You likely experienced a feeling of disgust.

This response is part of the behavioral immune system — it helps us avoid infections.

Freddy's looks trigger this response

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Para iniciar el finde con fuerza y superar la canícula, aquí va otro hilo de #memesarchiveros
Esta vez dedicado a los #archifrikis. Pero hay de todo
Mil gracias al fabricante de #memes en la sombra
"Si olvidamos dónde hemos estado y qué hemos hecho, ya no somos humanos; solo animales"
Samwell Tarly, archivero-bibliotecario
#GameofThrones Image
- ¡Dracarys!. Todo es información de apoyo informativo
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