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#VitalikButerin tweeted about a possible path to build #AccountAbstraction with ERC-4337

Here is a quick Twitter Thread 🧵 on what is #AccountAbstraction and why it is important? 👇

⚡Timeline of #AccountAbstraction Proposals⚡
#VitalikButerin proposed initial abstraction changes for #Metropolis in 2016

The goal was to prepare an account security abstraction.

In traditional model, ECDSA and the default nonce scheme are the only way to secure an account.
In the model discussed by #VitalikButerin, all accounts are contracts, contracts can pay for gas, and users are free to define their security model.
Read 15 tweets
Buying/Selling climax is very common in the #stockmarket and it is completely based on the price.

#Volume #Climax is something that I have observed.

In this thread🧵, I am sharing a #trading strategy that I am using based on this.

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What is this Volume Climax?

You would have seen some kind of spurt in volume in a day after a up/downtrend. Here, we don't consider any day in which there is corporate action or quarterly result.

Let's see some chart:

Below Chart is of #Metropolis when volume spurt occurred.
Now one to observe in Metropolis chart is after that volume spurt candle, the uptrend had paused.
This means at this candle smart money had offloaded the stock and retailers bought it. Hence stock went in the downtrend and Metropolis went down by 20%.
Read 16 tweets
If ever leave Twitter, will be proud of 2 things
1. Contribution during covid in apr'21
2. Continuous rant on overvaluation amplified from Oct'21
Here is master thread on each of those rants. Rarely asked but show some love if it made any +ve difference to your investing. journey
Read 26 tweets
[THREAD râleur] 2h46 de charge, 86.23€ cherchez l'erreur.. Merci #Metropolis @GrandParisMGP 🚗🔌⚡
Cc @OrlyAviation @med_energie
D'après le service client, c'est parce que je n'aurais pas arrêter la charge sur l'appli. Or ça m'indiquait que la charge était terminée, et l'appli ne me permettait pas de procéder à l'arrêt (écranblanc). Je me suis donc débranché simplement et suis parti.
C'était ma 1ère utilisation du service, je me suis fié à l'appli qui m'indiquait que ma charge était terminée. L'assistance téléphonique m'a informé que j'aurais été facturé d'un "stationnement post charge"! Complètement abusif vu je n'étais plus branché, ni stationné à la borne
Read 7 tweets
In der Literatur - Verfilmung #Metropolis von #FritzLang ist das Leitmotiv die Suche nach der Verbindung zwischen Hirn und Herz, wobei ein Industrieller als Hirn gelesen wird & die Arbeiter als das Herz.

Mittler ist am Ende der Sohn des Industriellen

#Selbstermaechtigung #BGE
Interessant ist dabei der verkappte Erlöserglaube,
der zugleich jene #Personalisierung in der #Politik thematisierte, welche nur wenige Jahre später einen Herrn H. ermöglichte.

Zugleich existiert die Vorstellung von #Selbstermaechtigung in dieser Zeit scheinbar gar nicht
Hilfe kommt in der damaligen #Lesart immer von Außen.

Ebenfalls interessant und zugleich eine Brücke in unsere #Gegenwart schlagend, ist das Fehlen der Vorstellung von #Staat & seinen #Strukturen.

Ein Industrieller hat die Stadt erschaffen lassen & in oben & unten zerteilt.
Read 4 tweets
#Hilo | Conociendo las #metrópolis de #México
#ZonaMetropolitana de #Tianguistenco
Más información en:
Tianguistenco, la octava ZM más pequeña de México…
🟩 Al sureste de la #ZM de #Toluca y el suroeste de la #ZM más grande del país, el #ValledeMéxico, se abre una tercera ZM en la región central del país.
🟥 Se trata de la #ZM de #Tianguistenco, y que, como se puede notar, una de las que menos se habla en cuanto a ZM en el Edomex
🟩 La octava #ZonaMetropolitana más pequeña de #México alberga, según datos del #Censo de Población y Vivienda 2020, 183,281 personas. El triple de la población que ahí residía en 1970.
Read 11 tweets
Empieza hoy un ciclo temático veraniego #CartelArte de los cárteles más famosos de la historia del arte, para el #TwitterCultural.

Comenzamos fuerte con el mejor y más caro cartel de la historia del cine, pintado por Heinz #Schulz_Neudamm para el film #Metrópolis.

Sigue👇🏽 Image
Diseñado y pintado, y luego trasladado a #litografía, éste es el modelo para la distribución alemana de la obra maestra del cine mudo de Fritz #Lang, #Metrópolis de 1927. El resto son variaciones (brillantes pero menos conocidas) de imágenes utilizadas para publicidad.

Sigue👇🏽 Image
Aquí el original junto al póster principal de la película.

Aunque el film es un ejemplo del #expresionismo alemán, el diseño es claramente #ArtDecó. Las variaciones se usaron para presentaciones, dolieres de prensa, tarjetas de estreno, variantes del póster ...

Sigue👇🏽 ImageImageImage
Read 8 tweets
Mirrors the biblical story of the Tower of Babel.
#BIBLICAL #ItsGoingToBeBiblical

Metropolis (from DC comics) has been stated to be in Delaware.

Great find @Delta5by5Dawn…
Biden happens to be traveling to Delaware.
That's just a coincidence. 🧐…
Read 9 tweets
Engineering a City #thread
Having spent my entire childhood in #Kochi (#Cochin ), it feels criminal to not know the story of how the city came to be the #metropolis it is today. Putting together a thread to trace the journey of the city which has been so endearingly mine (1)
Part 1: The #Malabar Mud-Banks
The story of Cochin is not just about how an engineering marvel can change social fabric, but also of many tenets of #British #Colonialism in India which is often taken for granted, passed off lazily as exploitation, missing nuance (2)
As with any coastal town, the cultural and economic history of Kochi is intertwined with maritime trade routes since the time of the Early Romans and Arabs. Thanks to the #biennale , most of us would now be familiar with the term #Muzuris (3)
Read 60 tweets
Abrimos hilo sobre increíbles #maquetas de sets de #cine, un arte tan antiguo como actual y fundamental en el 7º arte.
Comenzamos con esta recreación detallada de Manhattan para #EscapeFromNewYork (1981) del maestro John Carpenter, para la secuencia inicial y tomas aéreas.

Esta es la maqueta escala 1:4 que se construyó para la escena en que el tren atraviesa la vidriera de la estación en #Hugo, de Martin Scorsese (2011), cuyo entorno se completaría después digitalmente.
#LaInvenciónDeHugo #cine #maquetas #HiloDeCine #rodaje

Algunas de las impresionantes maquetas construidas para el rodaje de "Star Wars: Episodio I - La Amenaza Fantasma" (1999).
#cine #StarWars #maquetas #ThePhantomMenace #LaAmenazaFantasma #HiloDeCine

Read 68 tweets
In the next five to ten years, the accelerated development of #metropolitan areas and #cityclusters will become the greatest structural potential for the economic growth in China.…
In other words, it is the “new air outlet” of China’s economic growth.
The so-called metropolitan area, in terms of space, is a new urban network system that interconnects emerging small towns or small cities located within one-hour commute or within 50 to 70 kilometers (the figure may vary depending on local environments) of core cities.
Read 5 tweets

LONG @ 1735.25

Darvas Box Breakout + Shakeout

Took partial entry, will scale up thru pullback entries ImageImage
2ND LONG @ 1894.25

Consolidation Breakout

1st entry almost free! ImageImage
Closed today morning @ 1780. Cost of doing Business is 0.18% on Portfolio.

The stock was strong in morning, and had a far better close in evening. Will not hesitate in buying again if overall volatility reduces. Image
Read 3 tweets
Ambit Capital said #Metropolis was building a Dr Lal Pathlabs-like moat in west India by milking its reputation and test range through deepening customer reach (up six times over FY16-19; now best in the west).
With weakening competition and scope for market share gains in west (around 11% versus Dr Lal's 25% in NCR), 16 per cent revenue CAGR is doable over FY19-22 despite smaller addressable market.
An improving B2C mix – from 43% to 48% for Metropolis –will drive operating leverage-led profit growth at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 21%, Ambit report said.
Read 3 tweets
#TweetStorm - Expensive or deserves to be Expensive ? 1)One thumb rule for screening expensive companies is Market Cap to Sales or Enterprise Value to Sales. A 10x or more is generally expensive unless the company can grow sales rapidly or has extremely high Net Profit Margins.
2)Another way to look at expensive is if the Market Cap is equal to the Total Sales of the Addressable Market Size. This would lead to company having to launch different products in the future.
3)May not be the approach to take a Sell Decision or a Short Sell Decision. Very few companies can command such high valuations. Thumb Rule is just to review the investment thesis and the quality of the business. If doubts on quality , get out.
Read 9 tweets
El mundo del cine y sus increíbles maravillas. Abrimos hilo sobre hechos, curiosidades y datos de cine que tanto fascinan. ¡Vamos allá!
#Cine #curiosidades #elMundoDelCine #hilo #DeshilachandoCine
En los discursos de aceptación de los Oscars, se le ha dado a Steven Spielberg las gracias más que a dios. Aquí están las estadísticas que a quienes se le han dado más las gracias con una estatuilla en la mano.
#Cine #Spielberg #elMundoDelCine #hilo #DeshilachandoCine #Oscars
La leyenda urbana de que todos los relojes en Pulp Fiction están parados a las 4:20 es falsa. Algunos sí, pero no todos ni mucho menos. Hay relojes importantes en la trama que ni de cerca.
#Cine #PulpFiction #elMundoDelCine #hilo #DeshilachandoCine #Tarantino
Read 126 tweets

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