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Mar 18th 2020
#IndiaEcon Pandemic is creating a huge, natural, short-medium term(1-2 yr) opportunity for Self Sufficiency. #India could use this opportunity to make push for #Indigenization by #Accelerating #EconomicReforms to reduce #Bureaucratization (#BS). But who will bell the cat? 😢😢😢
2/econ We have to focus in an integrated way on the #Threat from crisis (👇🏼) and the #Opportunity (👆🏼), so as to minimize the negative effect of crises and maximize the positive benefits possible from the fallout.
3/econ Union+State govts should urgently create #Register of self-employed people (& contact workers), in Service industries connected to Tourism, Travel, Trade, Retail, Resteraunts, Hotels. Real Estate, Entertainment, containing their #Aadhar, #VoterIdNo & #MobileNo & workplace
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