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Jun 16th 2023
A funny thing is happening as I regain parts of my life as a result of receiving #HBOT after a 14 month battle with #LongCovid. While I'm incredibly grateful to be one of the lucky ones who found a treatment they respond to I'm also trying to come to terms with the possibility
That some of the damage maybe permanent. For example the other day I was taking the boat out after a spin up the river, there is a winch on the stern that keeps the boat on the trailer. I couldn't figure out how it works. I've been using those winches for years. Literally like
Second nature to me. It operates in such a way as you have to have several things lined up so it will tighten properly. Not matter what I did I could not put the pieces together. #Brainfog means I am unable to do tasks which require multiple areas of focus.
Read 8 tweets
Oct 20th 2022
बळीराजाला दिवाळीच्या खूप खूप शुभेच्छा!
6.90 लाख शेतकरी
एक क्लिक आणि...
2500 कोटी रुपये जमा!
महात्मा जोतिराव फुले शेतकरी कर्जमुक्ती योजनेंतर्गत प्रोत्साहनपर लाभ वितरणाचा आज मंत्रालयात मुख्यमंत्री एकनाथराव शिंदे यांच्यासमवेत शुभारंभ केला.
#KarjMukti #Maharashtra #farmers #welfare
2.5 वर्षापूर्वी जी फक्त घोषणा झाली, ती आपण आज पूर्ण केली आहे.
आज तो ऐतिहासिक क्षण आहे.
सातत्याने दोन अर्थसंकल्पात याच्या फक्त घोषणा होत होत्या.
हा पैसा थेट शेतकऱ्यांच्या खात्यात जमा झालेला आहे, हे आणखी एक वैशिष्ट्य आहे.
#farmerswelfare #farmer
शेतकऱ्यांच्या कल्याणासाठी राज्य सरकार सातत्याने कार्यरत आहे. या दीड महिन्यात 7000 कोटी रुपये शेतकऱ्यांच्या खात्यात जमा झालेले आहेत. सिंचन हा सरकारच्या प्राधान्यक्रमाचा विषय आहे.
नुकत्याच झालेल्या अतिवृष्टीच्या नुकसानीचे पंचनामे करण्याचे सुद्धा आदेश देण्यात आले आहेत.
Read 4 tweets
Aug 2nd 2022
Our paper is out!
Current #adaptation projects do not automatically enhance #gender equality | need to be intentionally brought in at planning & implementation stages.

23authors|9sectors|17739 literature|countless meetings

Delighted to have brainstormed👇figure with @Joyashree9
Embedding gender considerations and facilitating #women’s participation in project design and implementation along with #inclusive #policies, training, information access, planning, and monitoring is needed
Additional course correction for #SDG5 is needed.
Our #SDG5plus (SDG5+) approach takes into consideration #intersectionality and gender aspects beyond #women alone, & can help #adaptation actions move towards meeting #genderequality and other #climatejustice goals.
Read 16 tweets
Jul 5th 2022
Discussing #Welfare today with a group.
Here are some basic facts:
In June 2020, TANF provided income to more than 2.1 million.

Most Temporary Assistance for Needy Families recipients are children. The June 2020 figures include 505,487 adults and over 1.6 million children.
In 2019, for instance, only 23% of the families with children living in poverty received TANF assistance, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.
In 2020, the national median monthly assistance for a family of three with TANF benefits was $492 per month
Read 8 tweets
May 13th 2022
Sri #Vedavyasara janma bhoomi - #Kalpi (near Kanpur - U. P) on the banks of Yamuna river
Originally Sri Vyasaru was called as #Krishna #Dvaipaayana. Since #Vyasa was dark (Krishna) in colour and born in an island (Dweepa) in Yamuna river he was called Krishna Dvaipaayana; (Dweepaayana)
He was called #VedaVyasa since he had organized Vedas. Since He was descent to Sage #Vasishta he was known as Vasishta #Krishna; He was called #Badarayana since he was an inhabitant of #Badarika forest full of Jujube trees. His hermitage is in #Badari Kshetra. +
Read 9 tweets
Mar 9th 2022
🔴 What's the latest on #Russias's 🇷🇺 invasion of #Ukraine 🇺🇦?

➖ 🇺🇦 will evacuate civilians through six "humanitarian corridors" Wednesday
➖ 🇺🇦🇷🇺 will stop firing in Kyiv, Chernihiv, Sumy, Kharkiv and Mariupol from 9 am

Follow our #live for more ⤵️…
What does it mean to fight in a city that the #Russians 🇷🇺 consider strategic?

"It's okay. I'll get over it," says one of the wounded soldiers. ⤵️
#Poland says they are ready to transfer their fleet of #fighterjets 🛩️ to a #US airbase in #Germany.

But, providing #Ukraine 🇺🇦 with war planes poses serious risks and #NATO does not want direct conflict with #Moscow 🇷🇺 ⤵️
Read 26 tweets
Sep 11th 2021
This is hard to write but it is true for many. What I’m about to say is a harsh reality of what people go through.

What I am about to say is also the reason why a lot of people don’t ask for help.

People do not ask for help because of the fears and stigmas that exist.

Here Is Something to think about,

What if you were a #singleparent with a #child

You work full time for $15.00/hr

You take home roughly $960.00 per paycheck (bi-weekly after taxes)

#singleparent #parenting #Blessed #grateful #calgary #calgarylife #alberta #yyc

Your bills per month:

$1,000 or more for rent
$150 or more for cable/internet
$250 or more for utilities
$150 per month for car insurance

So let’s do the math

You bring home about
$1,920.00 a month

Your bills average about $1,500(give or take)

@GrannyGTArp @BallerGearCA
Read 25 tweets
Aug 24th 2021
Considerazioni geopolitiche
Gli #StatiUniti ripiegati su se stessi.
Da anni insofferenti al loro ruolo di "poliziotti del mondo", chiudono un'era nel peggiore dei modi, con una disfatta che ora brucia agli Americani stessi (e a noi).

#Americaisback di #Biden più che ⤵️
Un ritorno sulla scena sembra ora un ritorno a un passato isolazionista.
Da #Americafirst ad #Americaalone

Abbiamo contestato il suo #imperialismo armato, la sua grossolana presenza negli #scenari globali, una certa ignoranza e prepotenza diplomatica, il modo semplicistico ⤵️
di dividere il mondo in buoni e cattivi, con loro nella parte dei buoni ovviamente.

Ma siamo tutti intrisi di cultura americana, dal jazz al rock alle sneakers, dalla Coca ai jeans, da Warhol alla letteratura, da un certo edonismo consumistico che abbiamo assorbito.
Read 6 tweets
Jun 16th 2021
In exactly one month, I'll be leaving Bertelsmann Stiftung and start a new challenge. But before I leave, I would like to (re-)share some of the highlights of my work over the last five years. So join me for a little time travel and lots of still relevant research!
When I joined @GED_Tweet in 2016, the #trade world seemed still ok: the WTO still had the Appellate Body, TTIP was a political priority, Brexit had not happened and Trump was still an unlikely presidential candidate. Lots was going to change...
One of my core projects was research on public opinion and #trade. Our first publication was triggered by the intensifying debate on TTIP in Germany - but went beyond that:…
Read 62 tweets
Mar 20th 2021
[Manifesto. #1 One]
#CivicWave is an #informalgroup of the #progressist area, on Twitter, but attentive to movements on other #social and off-network that, aware of the importance of active #participation, intends to take...

We call it #gentlerevolution.
[Manifesto. #2 Two]
Joining #CivicWave #OndaCivica is compatible with all progressive Italian and international hashtags, including:
#FR, #6000sardine, #Forumalcentro,
#FBPE, #FBPEGlobal, #FBR.

The symbols in bio are:
#OndaCivica🌊🌊🌊 #CivicWave🌊🌊🌊,
or for short #OC🌊
[Manifesto. #3 Three]
#CivicWave promotes the #civil and prolific confrontation of ideas and experiences, in #respect of the diversity of views, to reduce #conversions and protagonism, in the conviction that #dialogue is stimulus and richness and allows to highlight # common...
Read 8 tweets
Oct 9th 2020
@MoAgriculture @GovParsonMO @missouri4h To our flag let’s all pledge loyalty.
Yet to farm nowadays? GOP
for our farmers ain’t grand as
they grift and gladhand.
Ever fewer folks toil endlessly. Half
my family grew up on the farm, when
state gov’t meant folks no harm.

#MO4H 🤒 1/6 🗳️
@MoAgriculture @GovParsonMO @missouri4h @MissouriFFA Parson’s lip service —
for Trump’s regime —
rank hypocrisy to the extreme.
Trump pretends tariffs’ rate
keeps America great; it
destroys the Agrarian Dream.
Mike lets on like he’s down
on the farm, as Trump’s
“policies” bring farmers harm.

#MO4H 🤒 2/6 🗳️
@MoAgriculture @GovParsonMO @missouri4h @MissouriFFA Thanks to Donald’s trade policy lapse,
U.S. small family farms face “collapse.”
So said Jerry Moran,
proving Putin’s best man on
farm livelihoods happily craps.

#MO4H 🤒 3/6 🗳️ #mogov
@Mo_Soy @MissouriCorn @MoLegDems @MoSenDems @MissouriPress @HouseAgDems
Read 7 tweets
Oct 9th 2020
@mikeparson @MissouriCorn To our flag let’s all pledge loyalty.
Yet to farm nowadays? “G”OP
for our farmers ain’t grand as
they grift and gladhand.
Ever fewer folks toil endlessly. Half
my family grew up on the farm, when
state gov’t meant folks no harm. 🤒

@mikeparson @MissouriCorn @MissouriFFA Parson’s lip service —
for Trump’s regime —
rank hypocrisy to the extreme.
Trump pretends tariffs’ rate
keeps America great; it
destroys the Agrarian Dream.
Mike lets on like he’s down
on the farm, as Trump’s
“policies” bring farmers harm.

#MO4H 🤒 2/6 🗳️
@mikeparson @MissouriCorn @MissouriFFA Thanks to Donald’s trade policy lapse,
U.S. small family farms face “collapse.”
So said @jerrymoran,
proving Putin’s best man on
farm livelihoods happily craps.

#MO4H 🤒 3/6 🗳️ #mogov
@Mo_Soy @MissouriCorn @MoLegDems @MoSenDems @MissouriPress @HouseAgDems
Read 7 tweets
Aug 17th 2020
Join us tmrw at #JantaParliament for a session on Technology, Exclusion & Surveillance from 3pm to 6pm. Hear 20 speakers critically appraise govt policy on technology, exclusion & surveillance. Rajya Sabha MP Binoy Visvam will attend, Usha Ramanathan will give the keynote address Image
You can register at this link to participate #JantaParliament
Read 6 tweets
Aug 8th 2020
1/n The foundation of #सामाजिकन्याय is based on the urge to treat all human beings as equal. #Tweet4Bharat

Img src : vocal
2/n The Nyāya Sūtras of Gotama focusing on knowledge and logic devided in five books.
1 - 16 categories of..
2 - Means & Object of..
3 - Intellect or Nature of..
4 - Rise of true..
5 - Balancing of Knowledge
Read 13 tweets
Jun 7th 2020
Canadians better #protest if Gov's give more #welfare to #frackingLNG! Arghh!
With few options to access capital, LNG proponents are asking the fed & prov gov's to help as part of an economic #stimulus pkg to re-start country’s economy following #COVID19…
So sick of this bullshit. Its abusive.…
Feds announce $275M for 'largest private sector investment in Canadian history' — Kitimat, B.C.'s LNG project…
Read 10 tweets
Jun 6th 2020
There’s so much happening in 🌍 right now - including many tragedies - but farmers are asking you to lend your support to the campaign to protect 🇬🇧 food standards from being undercut in future trade deals.

Here’s why this is important & why you should care [1] Image
British #farmers produce your food to some of the highest standards of animal #welfare, environmental #sustainability & #safety in the 🌍

Many of these are 🇪🇺 standards. With #Brexit we are now free to alter them. But what does this mean? [2]
So domestic production standards are set to rise even higher, which is great (who doesn’t want quality?)

But govt looks set to conclude new trade deals with countries such as 🇺🇸 which would allow food imports which it would be illegal to produce here [3]…
Read 10 tweets
Apr 8th 2020
With only a few days to go before the most comprehensive #lockdown announced by GoI comes to an end, participated in a VC with Hon PM to discuss the exit strategy to deal with fallout from #COVIDー19 Crisis & ways to kick start the #economy. Made the following suggestions.(1/n)
1. TESTING: Use Rapid test kits to segregate the people into red, yellow & green zones. Empowering employers to test their workforce, will reduce the burden on Govt and create green zones of productivity and help get economy back on track. (2/n)
2. #supplychain: They are extremely important to get the economy moving even in a partial manner. Allowing trucks to #transport goods and other #materials is vital for the #economy. The Govt might also consider ensuring Road side facilities for the drivers' #welfare. (3/n)
Read 11 tweets
Mar 18th 2020
#IndiaEcon Pandemic is creating a huge, natural, short-medium term(1-2 yr) opportunity for Self Sufficiency. #India could use this opportunity to make push for #Indigenization by #Accelerating #EconomicReforms to reduce #Bureaucratization (#BS). But who will bell the cat? 😢😢😢
2/econ We have to focus in an integrated way on the #Threat from crisis (👇🏼) and the #Opportunity (👆🏼), so as to minimize the negative effect of crises and maximize the positive benefits possible from the fallout.
3/econ Union+State govts should urgently create #Register of self-employed people (& contact workers), in Service industries connected to Tourism, Travel, Trade, Retail, Resteraunts, Hotels. Real Estate, Entertainment, containing their #Aadhar, #VoterIdNo & #MobileNo & workplace
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Mar 8th 2020
A positive thread on the need for #aspiration for the #future of our #food & #farming industry...

🚜 🐓 🐄 🐑 🍎 🥦 🌾 🌳 🐝

[1/9] Image

We’ve a lot to be #proud of in 🇬🇧 - but we can #aspire to #better.

More productive. More tech-savvy. More collaborative. More environmentally proactive.

Change is coming. We have to embrace it & lead the #change. Consumers respect us - that’s a big asset ✅

[2/9] Image

With #NetZero we have to step up. It will be difficult; hard decisions will have to be made. But we must show #leadership.

We can’t complain about the consequences of #ClimateChange if we don’t play our part.

And only Ag can act as a carbon sink 💨 🌱

[3/9] Image
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Dec 6th 2019
The National Commission for Enterprises in the #UnorganisedSector was set up in 2004 as an advisory body & a watchdog for the #informal sector. This NCEUS report reviews #labour #laws & #SocialSecurity systems that apply to #workers in unorganised sectors. ImageImageImageImage
It observes that while existing laws have some provisions for conditions of #work for certain workers, there is no comprehensive legal framework for the “basic and minimum conditions of work” for unorganised sector workers.
Therefore, it proposes comprehensive & protective laws for agricultural & non-agricultural workers in the unorganised sector that will regulate conditions of #work, #SocialSecurity, #welfare and #livehood promotion.
Read 16 tweets
Nov 29th 2019
A detailed #thread on the important #schemes launched by Sri #NarendraModi led #BJP Govt.

Sri @narendramodi ji has launched many #welfare schemes. These #schemes varies from welfare of #Farmers, #housewives, #labourers, #students to small #shopkeepers etc.
@PMOIndia @BJP4India
1. PM-KISAN: This scheme promises to pay all poor #farmers (small and marginal farmers having lands up to 2 hectares) Rs 6,000 each every year in 3 installments through Direct #Bank Transfer. It would reportedly benefit around 14.5 crore farmers all over #India.
2. Pradhan Mantri #Kisan Pension Yojana: To address the problems of farm sector distress, the Modi 2.0 Cabinet has approved a proposal to provide small and marginal #farmers with a minimum Rs 3,000 per #month fixed #pension, costing Rs 10,774.5 crore per annum to the exchequer.
Read 33 tweets
Oct 8th 2019
1/ To the Republicans in my network, respectfully...

The 400 wealthiest Americans paid lower tax rates in 2018 than any other income group for the first time in history.

The average pay increase for the rest of us was about 3%.
2/ Are you one of those 400? Has that wealth trickled down? Were you able to utilize the private jet deduction? Are your tax cuts permanent?
3/ Or are you in the pile with the rest of us, celebrating a $30 per week raise while factories close down and workers strike and farms go bankrupt and consumer prices go up...
Read 16 tweets
Oct 2nd 2019
Named after #MahatmaGandhi, the #MGNREGA, one of the largest #publicworks programme in the world, came about because of inadequate govt schemes that weren't meeting the demand for #rural #employment.… Image
Recognizing there was persistent #unemployment in rural areas – and no #SocialSecurity mechanism for the #poor, the #MGNREGA aims to provide #wage #employment to poor #rural households, strengthen rural #livelihoods, and ensure #socialinclusion. #GandhiAt150
The Act guarantees that state govts will set up schemes to provide no less than 100 days of #employment in one financial year to every rural household whose adult members volunteer to do unskilled manual #work.
Read 15 tweets
Sep 17th 2019
Imagine the social segregation of not being able to attend your best friend's 40th Birthday party because it's held in a restaurant that doesn't accept #indue #CashlessDebitCard
Imagine not being able to take your mum out on Mother's Day or dad on Farther's Day for lunch or dinner because local businesses aren't pre-registered for #CashlessDebitCard #indue
Read 19 tweets

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