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Feb 11th 2023
"Get ready for the lights AND heat to go out" -via @nypost

#CLCPA #NYActsOnClimate by sacrificing #ReliableEnergy #GridReliability #AffordableEnergy in the name of #ClimateAction under #GreenDogma by ignoring #ReliableCarbonFree #NuclearPower…
"Québec last week avoided a blackout, despite the frigid Arctic cold snap, by importing electricity from New York. But it may be out of luck next time, along with the Empire State itself, thanks to the green rush to kill reliable sources of power."
The #CLCPA mandates that 70% of New York’s power come from renewables by 2030, and 100% carbon-free sources by 2040. But, New York’s doesn't have to lose reliable generating capacity to serve load when #solar or #wind plants can’t deliver.
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