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Sep 5th 2020
My earliest memory of my father is him writing with a black fountain pen deep in thought.That was his meditation and his prayer. A life dedicated to mathematics and poetry. Also a lifelong teacher who taught his students to find poetry in math #HappyTeachersDay2020
In middle of dinner,my father would forget he was eating and solve equations in the air with his fingers.He taught anyone who came to his doorstep. He would spend hours with his students outside classrooms. He knew real education was outside classrooms. #HappyTeachersDay2020
My father passed away a long time ago. Long before he could teach me what he taught his students. But his students haven’t forgotten him. Recently one of his students connected with my mom on FB and sent this message #HappyTeachersDay2020
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Sep 5th 2020
#HappyTeachersDay2020 Today is marked to coincide with the birth anniversary of Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, former Vice President and President of India, born in 1888. But besides these facts, many don't know of what his greatest contribution was.
Dr. S. Radhakrishnan was one of India's most distinguished scholars of comparative religion and philosophy, holding various eminent positions in the universities of Mysore, Calcutta, Chicago and Oxford (he was the first Indian to hold a professorial chair in the last).
His philosophical work was grounded in reinterpreting Advaita Vedanta for a contemporary understanding, resisting Western interpretations prevalent thus far, for which earned fame as a 'bridge-builder' between East and West.
Read 16 tweets
Sep 5th 2020
Commemorating a relation b/w Student & teacher in today's #TeachersDay..
In this picture Dr. Abdus Salam, renowned Pakistani Nobel Laureate came to meet his Bengali professor Anilendra Ganguly, who had taught him mathematics in the pre-partition era at the S.D College,Lahore. ImageImage
Dr.Salam had credited Ganguly for instilling the interest towards mathematics in him, which, he believed, led him to become a scientist.“The teacher was feeble and unable to sit up and greet him when Dr Salam visited him at his residence in Kolkata on 19th January,1981.
Dr Salam took his medal &said that ‘Sir,this medal is a result of your teaching & love of mathematics that you instilled in me,’ & he put the medal around his teachers’ neck,” writes Zia H Shah MD, a New York-based physician and Chief Editor of the Muslim Times, in this article.
Read 6 tweets
Sep 5th 2020

Perfection is a mirage. But the journey in search of perfection is a road worth traveling. Everyone from parents to spouses to children and friends, all of them have taught us something in that journey.

Continued... Long thread
#Part1 Image
Every moment is a learning experience if we keep our eyes open. Even strangers can leave with unforgettable lessons. Hence I salute everyone who has touched my life in this journey of five decades in pursuit of perfection.
I perhaps should have written this on Guru Purnima. But the idea just hadn't happened. Waiting for the next Guru Purnima is like looking for a mirage in these times. We don't have a warranty card against the pandemic. Hence it is "Happy Teacher's Day".
Read 25 tweets
Sep 4th 2020
#TeachersDay | ‘Mute yourself’ is the new ‘keep quiet’ – how the lives of teachers has changed because of online learning…


By @SanchDash Image
The #pandemic has changed the school experience for teachers, students, and parents. This is being called the ‘new normal’ and not everything about it is right.
The classic ‘keep quiet’ has turned into ‘mute yourself’, while the teacher struggles to finish an online class with, hopefully, minimal disturbances. That’s the least of all the adjustments that everyone has had to make.

#HappyTeachersDay2020 #TeachersDay
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