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Jul 13th 2022
With heads and necks exposed, dozens of Iranian activists faced arrest for joining the No2Hijab campaign, where participants posted pictures and videos of themselves in public places after taking off their headscarves.
The campaign, which denounces the compulsory #headscarf law in effect since 1983, coincided with the “National Day of Hijab and Chastity” set by the #IranianRegime on July 12, and whose activities last for more than a week.
#IranianPolice and security agencies have arrested several women for taking part in the campaign.
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Feb 3rd 2022
A thread on the #hijab controversy.

1. Until now, I hadn't commented on #Karnataka #hijab row. Conscious tht d issue was abt politics, neither religion nor young girls' right to wear hijab to college, I didn't have clarity of my position. Now I have. But first, a few questions
2. Has there been any incident in any part of India where #Muslim men wanted to attend classes in a particular dress, say a skullcap? Why is the responsibility of upholding religious identity only Muslim women's? Who is telling these women tht their identity & d right to fight
3. For tht identity more imp than their future? Why is no one finding it disturbing tht fathers of some girls r saying tht if college doesn't relent, they will not allow their girls to study further. Let their future b ruined? Y r parents not moved by d sight of desperate girls?
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