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Jun 23rd 2022
India is the largest purchaser of Israeli-made arms.

Under a far-right gov led by Modi, India & apartheid Israel also conduct joint military drills & host police & army training & exchange visits.

๐Ÿงต Let's explore military & security links between them.
As the Covid-19 pandemic hit the world, India's healthcare system struggled to cope with the spread. Still, Modi's government ordered 16,479 Israeli Negev machine guns, worth $116 million.

A 2019 report said that India is suffering from the worst water crisis in its history, and almost 600 million of its population are water-deprived.

Yet Modi's neoliberal government continue to focus on massive military trade with apartheid Israel.

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Apr 2nd 2020
During his #COVID19 press conference, Trump announced that he's deploying the Navy to #Venezuela. Wait, what? What's #coronavirus got to do with Venezuela?


Trump is distracting us from his incompetence by threatening war. #HandsOffVenezuela
Trump's justification for the naval deployment is cocaine trafficking. But guess what?? #Venezuela doesn't even produce cocaine! This is just another one of Trump's attempts to #WagTheDog. Check out this map of maritime drug routes. ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡
Let's take a further look at this map, shall we?
#Venezuela is barely a blip on the map.

If Trump's excuse for deploying ships was truly about drugs, then why isn't the US imposing sanctions & threatening war on Colombia? #WagTheDog
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