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Jul 1st 2021
Time to explore what this can do😃
#illustrationartists #illustration #art #drawing #withrepaper
This thing can record a #timelapse of the #drawing to upload later. So I can use this like a sketch book and add layers and everything! #Whoa
Heres my #LineQuality warm-ups
(w small circles cut short bc my favorite aunt kidnapped me for errand adventures 😁) #illustration #prac
Its VERY sensitive too. While it was downloading my sketch, I moved something on the table and made it shake a tiny bit. A warning screen popped up reminding to to keep it on a secure surface. 😳
It knew it was moving! #ItsAlive
Will reposition clips. I’m not a lefty.
Read 5 tweets
Apr 2nd 2019
A brief look at how rhythm of details in foreshortening relates to field of view, scale, and perspective.
#howtodraw #perspective #tutorial ImageImageImageImage
STEEP foreshortening of details on walls etc can feel confusing at times since the feel of scale and distance from the surface is dependent on contextual details we recognize. If rotated, the those 'signs' could be dominoes standing up or buildings as seen from a helicopter.
And, with this I wanted to help demystify foreshortening in perspective a little by using a single repeating detail such as vertical lines with diminishing spacing and no other depth cues to show how that alone can affect the construction and feel of your scene.
Read 3 tweets

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