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Nov 4th 2021
Take a bow @mvankerkhove ##COVID19's rock star 🎉👏. Incredible wide-reaching analysis of where we are and where we need to be going forward in the pandemic @ISID_org #IMED2021. Some highlights in this thread
Drivers of testing diversity & strategies #COVID19 - I'd add the challenge of a health workforce to contact trace, as well as quarantining and isolating those exposed and those infected in #LMICs, where poverty and overcrowding in households/informal dwellings is so common.
Stressing the importance of public health & social measures (PHSM) and how they reduce as vaccination rates for #COVID19 increase in populations. But @mvankerkhove message at #IMED2021 is "Vaccines, NOT Vaccines ONLY" @ISID_org @ProMED_mail @BorisJohnson
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