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Jun 21st 2021
Here u go:

Mainstream #crypto is in a #bear.

So mainstream pleps tend to have less $ value and less motivation to “invest” / sacrifice smthng rn.

This leaves us with less total $ value for the sacrifice phase, hence you get more % for your sacrifice, hence a bigger opportunity
However #HEXicans are in a 1000x permabull & they love and support their ecosystems.

So the most % of the total $ value for the sacrifice, will come from #HEXicanOGs & HEXicans in general.

HEXicans have proven to have #graphiteHands

HEXicans are the whales now & also in PULSE.
That basically means PULSE will start with one of, if not THE strongest hands #community out there. This will be a veeery strong fundament to build on top of.

Or do you think the PULSE #whales, which are mainly HEXican OGs will sell after a 2x … 10x … or 100x … not at all 🤣
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