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May 23rd 2022
Amber Heard's defamation expert, Kathryn Arnold, testifies that AH suffered reputational damage after statements were made by Depp's attorney Adam Waldman, not understanding the difference between correlation and causation. #JusticeForJohnnyDeep
The fact an event occurs after another (correlation) does not mean the first event was the reason for the second (causation). When pressed about the difference, Arnold said "I'm not an expert in semantics." Garbage in, garbage out.
Concluding that Amber Heard suffered harm to her reputation after the "defamatory" Waldman statements were made, Arnold did not consider if the prior accusations against AH contributed. The terrible press AH received earlier was not important to this expert.
Read 5 tweets
May 23rd 2022
It was an ethics violation by Dr. David Spiegel to testify about Johnny Depp's psychological traits without evaluating him. Spiegel acknowledges the rule against giving opinions about people they have not evaluated but does it anyway. #JusticeForJohnnyDeep
Per the American Psychiatric Association, ethics rule 7.3, it "is unethical for a psychiatrist to offer a professional opinion unless he or she has conducted an examination and has been granted proper authorization for such a statement."
It's called the Goldwater Rule. Ethical rules were created to maintain the legitimacy of the profession, to keep psychs from giving uniformed opinions.…
Read 11 tweets
May 18th 2022
Amber Heard's sister, Whitney, testified that Johnny Depp tried to push Whitney down the stairs. But Jennifer Howell declared that Whitney said the opposite happened. See this thread for the details. #JusticeForJohnnyDeep
Jennifer Howell was a former employer of Whitney and claims that Whitney said that it was Amber who nearly pushed Johnny down the stairs. We will see if Howell testifies.…
Correction: I meant nearly pushed Whitney down the stairs (not Johnny).
Read 3 tweets
May 17th 2022
It’s a glorious morning here at the Fairfax County Judicial Complex. District Court 5J will soon be in session for the second day of Amber Heard’s cross-examination in the #DeppvHeard defamation trial. Thread follows.
The spectators are in court. The two parties’ legal teams have just strolled past me into court and the jurors are down the corridor to my right being quite chatty (amongst themselves, obs)
Proceedings begin at 9am eastern time.
Read 114 tweets
May 4th 2022
Amber Heard tonight after realizing that the world still won't believe her lies and that the new PR is not worth anything. #amberheard #AmberHeardIsALiar #AmberHeardIsAnAbuser #JusticeForJohnnyDepp Image
Amber Heard - Part 1: Today I learned that you can have PTSD & still have 2 personality disorders. What she presented was not only bad acting but a failed attempt to seem luke the normal person. #amberheard #AmberHeardlsALiar #AmberHeardIsAnAbuser #JusticeForJohnnyDepp Image
Amber Heard - Part 2: It sounded like She described her father. Now every man must be the same bad man as the father was. She totally has these 2 disorders. She also behaved like a child. #amberheard #JusticeForJohnnyDepp #AmberHeardIsAnAbuser #AmberHeardlsALiar Image
Read 44 tweets
May 1st 2022
Η ενδοοικογενειακή βία μπορεί να λάβει πολλές μορφές:
☑️ Σωματική βία
☑️ Σεξουαλική κακοποίηση
☑️ Λεκτική/Ψυχολογική κακοποίηση
☑️ Αποξένωση από το φιλικό/συγγενικό περιβάλλον
☑️ Αποστέρηση μισθού/ εξαναγκασμός παραίτησης από την εργασία/απομόνωση
Η ενδοοικογενειακή βία μπορεί να έχει θύματα:
☑️ Γυναίκες
☑️ Παιδιά
☑️ Μέλη της οικογένειας που ανήκουν στην 3η ηλικία
☑️ Άντρες-παρατηρείται μάλιστα ότι συνήθως δεν καταγγέλλουν,γιατί -καθότι λίγα τα περιστατικά που έχουν γίνει ευρέως γνωστά-θεωρούν ότι δεν θα γίνουν πιστευτοί
Θύτες μπορεί να είναι άντρες ή γυναίκες σε ετερόφυλα ή ομόφυλα ζευγάρια αλλά και παιδιά ενάντια στους γονείς τους (όταν πχ τους φροντίζουν όταν γεράσουν).

Δεν είναι απίθανο ο θύτης να υποβάλει καταγγελία παρουσιάζονταε εαυτόν ως θύμα ενδοοικογενειακής
Read 6 tweets

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