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Apr 13th 2023
1/🧵 I'm definitely a fan of both @DominicDAgosti2 and @DrRagnar (obviously), so I was excited to see them chatting about #lipids, #LMHRs, and Dom's consideration of increasing carbs to lower his #ApoB

If no one minds, I'd like to add some thoughts...

2/ First -- I'm extremely excited to share @DominicDAgosti2 may be the most notable N=1 I've waited for regarding #ResistanceTraining change & #LDL/#ApoB in a #ketogenetic context

Those who've followed me for a while know exactly what I'm talking about...
3/ When chatting with Dom in SD last year for dinner, he mentioned focusing less on maintaining such a sizable muscle mass as he typically does, and I predicted he'd likely see his LDL/ApoB as considerably higher with this change if still #keto. This podcast appears to confirm...
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