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Apr 13th 2023
1/๐Ÿงต I'm definitely a fan of both @DominicDAgosti2 and @DrRagnar (obviously), so I was excited to see them chatting about #lipids, #LMHRs, and Dom's consideration of increasing carbs to lower his #ApoB

If no one minds, I'd like to add some thoughts...

2/ First -- I'm extremely excited to share @DominicDAgosti2 may be the most notable N=1 I've waited for regarding #ResistanceTraining change & #LDL/#ApoB in a #ketogenetic context

Those who've followed me for a while know exactly what I'm talking about...
3/ When chatting with Dom in SD last year for dinner, he mentioned focusing less on maintaining such a sizable muscle mass as he typically does, and I predicted he'd likely see his LDL/ApoB as considerably higher with this change if still #keto. This podcast appears to confirm...
Read 10 tweets
Feb 23rd 2023
Can resistance training counteract the adverse effects of androgen deprivation therapy?

A thread ๐Ÿงต๐Ÿ‘‡

#resistancetraining #prostatecancer #ADT
Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer. An effective treatment is androgen deprivation therapy (ADT), which lowers testosterone levels to castration levels. However, such low testosterone levels tend to result in a loss of muscle mass and strength.

Our study investigated the effect of resistance training with or without protein supplementation on muscle mass and strength in prostate cancer patients undergoing ADT.

Read 9 tweets
Dec 8th 2022
Lowering the weights (dumbbells) alone is as effective as lifting+ lowering them (with only half the effort)

1. In a recent research, the effects of lifting+ lowering weights were compared with either lowering or lifting weights alone on biceps.
2. The training group participants performed dominant arm elbow flexor resistance training in extended elbow joint angles (0ยฐโ€“50ยฐ) twice a week for 5 weeks.
#fitness #StrengthTraining #Resistancetraining #dumbbell #bicepsflex
3. The total training volume (dumbbell weight ร— number of contractions) in Lifting-Lowering (5745 ยฑ 1020kg) was double of that in lifting (2930 ยฑ 859kg) and lowering (3035 ยฑ 844kg), because 3 sets of 10 contractions were performed for both directions in lifting-lowering group.
Read 8 tweets
Oct 24th 2020
Continuing our #KidneyWk virtual e-poster tour! Check out this thread for some interesting research on #exercise, #PhysicalActivity, & #PhysicalFunction in CKD and ESKD!
A comparison of #frailty measures among individuals referred for #KidneyTransplant in Canada (PO1704). #KidneyWk @FilteredDoc @tennankore @CNTN_RCEN
A pilot RCT to embed technology-enabled group-based #Exercise programming in the clinic: The Exercise Is Medicine in Chronic Kidney Disease Trial (PO2057). #KidneyWk @felipelobelo @ahadbootwala @Shuchi_Anand @JasonCobbMD
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Nov 5th 2018
Physical Activity and Exercise โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“ Their massive role in our health and wellness, at ALL ages/ stages of life.

A #curatedthread with tips and resources โ€“โ€“

Tags: #PhysicalActivity #Exercise #PhysicalMobility #SixthVitalSign #HealthyAging #health #wellness
More โ€“โ€“ #PhysicalActivity #Exercise #PhysicalMobility
Tips on Getting Startedโ€ฆ
- Craft your 'why'/purpose
- Start slowly
- U may 'love' exercising OR Not
- Be kind to U
- Use 'why'& habit, Not willpower
- Plan,Prioritize
- Be flexible
-+Resistance, +Balance
More โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“#PhysicalActivity #Exercise #PhysicalMobility #SixthVitalSign

"Common Sense Guide To Exercise and Moving More!" โ€“โ€“โ€“ by @CorKinetic

20 Great Tips! ๐Ÿ‘‡
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