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May 28th 2023
🍭 Candy Girl 🍭

SARS2 spike protein binds to Glucose Regulated Protein 78 (GRP78) just like Pep42 of cancer cells does. >… Image
Diabetics with dysregulated sugars did not fare well, haha, this image. 😀 >
Read 40 tweets
May 19th 2023
“...Time is the fire in which we burn.” -Delmore Schwartz

🪡 🧵 thread about #lactate oxidation and metabolic heat 🔥. /1…
The story begins at least ~300k years ago when early modern humans first appear on the scene. As detailed in @HermanPontzer’s Burn (2021), humans are the best endurance athletes among the living apes:

VO2max >4x that of chimps
⬆️proportion of “slow twitch” skm fibers

⬆️hemoglobin in blood 🩸
Naked, sweaty skin ➡️ helps protect against overheating, e.g., when exercising in hot temps


Humans have notably big brains, which are metabolically expensive. /3
Read 32 tweets
Mar 14th 2020
In my opinion the single best parameter that predicts longevity and improves #clinical outcome is #cardiopulmonary #fitness. #VO2Max is an easy way to quantify this. Having a ⬆️ #VO2max & a ⬆️#lactatethreshold could be the difference between life & death during #CoronaOutbreak
It could be the difference between requiring venilatory support and no ventilatory support during this #coronavirus #pandemic. So please who are #QuarantineAndChill please keep your physical activity up! Do some #tabata #HIIT
Lactate inflection point (LIP), is the exercise intensity at which the blood concentration of #lactate begins to increase exponentially. It can be improved significantly with regular exercise. #vo2max is the max rate of O2 consumption measured during incremental exercise.
Read 6 tweets

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