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Apr 24th 2023
#SupremeCourt to hear contempt plea in relation to social media posts made by founder of IPL, #LalitModi against his family members and also against Senior Advocate and former Attorney-General Mukul Rohatgi, who is representing his mother Bina Modi in their family dispute Image
Sr Adv AM Singhvi for Lalit Modi: Kindly take the affidavit for the alleged contemnor.

Reads from the affidavit tendering unconditional apology.
Singhvi: This is more than sufficient....your lordships may let it rest here. This is genuine, unconditional, comprehensive and wide apology.

Justice Shah: Where have you mentioned it that it would not be repeated again.

Singhvi: Yes...Kindly see 3.
Read 13 tweets
Sep 8th 2020
The one big argument most of my family #Modifans and #Bhakts advanced ever since 2014 was that the system was rotten to the core under UPA-2 and that Mr Clean, #56inches would sweep things up and introduce #RealReforms.
When #LalitModi/#VijayMallya/#NiravModi/#MehulChoksi fled with vast sums missing, the banking mess was blamed on UPA-2 excesss, the clean up a)would bring out more dirt; b)take a bit longer - that was the story. When #RaghuramRajan quit, he was held to blame for part of the mess.
Urjit Patel was made @RBI governor and #ViralAcharya was brought in from US academia as Dy Gov. One after the other, these 2 economists also saw that ModiSarkar was all bluster and bluff, all spin and little substance, they too walked. Now, they have spilled the beans.
Read 7 tweets
Mar 5th 2018
#NiravModi's #PNBFraud is just a cherry on tip of an iceberg, a systemic plunder of national & natural resources that is being going on since centuries with involvement of world famous auction houses that played a major role in setting up his career.…
"I would like to bring to your notice a major financial scam similar to that of #VijayMallya of #Kingfisher #SubrataRoy of #SaharaGroup, Ramalingaraju of #Satyam. Kindly look into this & do needful before its too late & he escapes from India" - #PNBFraud whistleblower #HariPrasad Image
#PNBScam whistleblower #HariPrasad filed criminal complaint with Bengaluru Police in 2015 against #MehulChoksi for being cheated of Rs10 crore by Gitanjali Gems following which he wrote to several authorities such as #ED #CBI #SEBI eventually to PMO itself in 2016, yet no action. Image
Read 39 tweets

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