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May 21st 2022
Many people want to get started in #DefiKingdoms, but have no idea how.

Start here:…

@Samichpunch will be your new best friend. Once you have an idea of what we're all doing,

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2) Join #DFK's Discord

$JEWEL #GameFi #RPGs Image
If you have some idea of how #DefiKingdoms works, but are still a bit lost, you probably need one or more of these resources (pinned to #herodiscussion channel in the #DFK Discord.)

The first is a chart of the hero classes, by tier (basic, advanced, elite, exalted) and land: Image
The second is this spreadsheet showing where each class excels and lags (and there is no "perfect" class of #DFK hero):…

Those numbers are used to create this chart showing which classes are the most "natural" fits for each profession in #DefiKingdoms... Image
Read 6 tweets
May 25th 2020
Portrait of a boss battle in the time of quarantine. #dnd #levelingup ImageImageImage
Not pictured:
1) Mexican standoff with dragon threatening to snap our downed archer’s neck
2) Dramatic, half-true speech about the vengeance he sensed in me being towards a *different* dragon
3) My dwarven-plated ass almost dying by crit fail just climbing down the tower after
(Possible spoilers for #dnd5e village of Thundertree ahoy!)

Decided to draw out the map and encounters from memory. Image
Read 3 tweets

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