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Dec 2nd 2022
Looking forward to talk about #LongCovid at the PANSOC
—Centre for Research on Pandemics & Society— webinar series @CASOslo on 16 March 2023
I will speak about “Long Covid: history, research, future challenges.” Thanks @jesdimka for the kind invitation
A lot of other interesting talks in the spring PANSOC webinars for those interested in present and past epidemics/ pandemics, epidemiology, and human health across different societies and periods @jesdimka

In my talk, I will address the rise of #LongCovid as an international patient-led research and advocacy movement in 2020— the latest research on the disease— and the role of Long Covid in a reassessment of viral-onset diseases and sequelae like #longSARS and (pandemic) #longflu
Read 6 tweets
Aug 19th 2022
Yes, this exactly what many policy makers mean and meant with "Living with Covid". Actually, it's much worse. These are just some neurological problems. We knew covid led to severe cardiovascular, cardiopulmonary, multi-systemic, immune-related etc. sequelae already in 2020
We knew about #LongCovid in 2020. Publications already existed about the dramatic sequelae of SARS before 2020. We knew we were facing a SARS-like disease as soon as information about the Wuhan outbreak emerged…
We knew we were facing a potential pandemic driven by a virus similar to the deadly SARS CoV on 24 January 2020 maximum. This is when the first China's data were published in the top scientific journal @TheLancet e.g.…
Read 12 tweets
Apr 5th 2022
This is wrong from a biomedical and clinical perspective. Covid is not less dangerous than the flu even now, with vaccination. Covid is a multi-system disease, not just a respiratory condition. Having a test matters, because no test will mean poor access to appropriate care

In more details: it's true you can have upper respiratory symptoms, like sneezing, with covid. This is especially now with omicron ~ lot of prior immunity | lower respiratory tract infection may be less prominent | yet: covid is a multi-system disease | pneumonia remains possible
We also need to fully understand whether BA.2 and other emerging variants and sub-lineages, are intrinsically more pathogenic than omicron BA.1. And BA.1 was *not* "mild" or "the common cold". It is |was covid, fully able to kill and cause #LongCovid.
Read 8 tweets
Apr 3rd 2022
Ok it's important to take note of the long-term effects of influenza | #longflu. Influenza can be severe. Flu-related complications can kill hundreds of thousands a year globally
Yet, we've clear evidence covid is *massively* more dangerous and severe than influenza
Go figure 🧵
My tweet is inspired by the spin covid minimizers are trying, to induce people to accept mass infection and herd immunity with a SARS virus.
First, most people associate the "flu" with the relatively common and, often, fast-resolving effects of para-influenza or cold viruses.
Not so many, especially the young, experience severe influenza-related complications, like pneumonia. Seasonal flu often manifests with self-limiting symptoms or is asymptomatic. Sure, some have severe flu, long-term impact #longflu, or may die | Yet, this DIDN'T bring us Bergamo
Read 11 tweets

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