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May 7th 2022
My uncle #Idris Ramadan Eilos.
He joined the struggle at the age of 19 in 1967.
He spent 3 years in the second province and was sent to #Iraq in 1970 for more military training. He came back in 1972 and continued his work as a fighter.
In 1975 he was elected as a member of the Revolutionary Council and was chosen to be the deputy of Hamid Temsah. In 1977 he was spearheading the liberation of cities in Gash, Setit and Barka, as the second man. He lead the liberation of #Geluj, #UmHajar, and #Tesennay.
In 1978 he was chosen to be amongst the leadership who will liberate #Barentu. Sadly on the 8th May he was martyred in the siege of Barentu. Today marks 44 years since his Martyrdom and every minuet that I think about Eritrea I look upto his legacy.
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