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Dec 23rd 2020
”I got tested for #COVID19 10 days ago and I don’t have a result! What’s taking so long????” This is a question I have heard many, many, times over the last 9 months. It is not everyone’s reality, but it does happen sometimes (Long thread alert) 1/14
Let’s talk about #COVID19 testing from the pathologist’s perspective (physicians like me who review and sign off on the validation studies in our labs so you can get tested amongst many other jobs; I need to do a what a pathologist does thread, but I digress) 2/14
In order for you to get PCR testing, it requires a swab and viral transport media (or VTM; it helps preserve the virus so the mRNA can be extracted later for testing, if it is present in the patient). Both of these items have been in short supply throughout the pandemic 3/14
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