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Jul 16th 2022
Weekend after #AAPM2022: Beautiful weather, MP is getting ready to do his mindfulness exercise (vacuuming) – comes out of the garage & was surprised to see his buddy ‘The Eastern Box Turtle’, slowing coming up his driveway
Here is conversation between the Turtle & the MP

MP: Hey buddy, what are you doing? It might have taken you some time to come all the way from park.

Turtle: Yes doc, I was on my way to a picnic behind ur home & also wanted to talk to you. I heard that you were up in the Tony’s ‘Big Rig (BR)’ & thinking of a new career

MP: Well, the news came faster than the “hare” that challenged your ancestor for a race and lost

Turtle: Yes, I got worried because other day, you were very nice to explain about #CT and that u loved working where my cousin saw you

Read 12 tweets
Jun 14th 2022
Pre-dawn, MP is working remotely from the roof-top pool at the hotel, preparing for the session @IUPESMWC2022. He gets text on ‘WhatsApp’ from IM
IM: Hey doc, I see that you are checking the slides one final time. BTW, we all are looking forward to your session this morning

MP: Really, how come?
IM: Since #WC2022 is hybrid, even though it is late in some parts, we are looking forward
MP: Thanks–Yes, lot of efforts went in pulling this session. Thanks to Dr Borras (@IOMP & @aapmHQ ) & Dr Tom Judd (@IFBME & @WHO ), even I am looking forward to

IM: BTW doc, my cousin said, she liked your title, “Symbiotic relationship between #MedicalPhysicists and #Clinical Engineers” & so do I.
MP: Glad you liked, hopefully y’all will like what I present

Read 9 tweets
Nov 7th 2020
It's the International Day of #medicalphysics

Today we commemorate the anniversary of the birth of Marie Curie in 1867. She pioneered 💡 research on radioactivity ☢️ & discovered it destroys #cancer cells faster than healthy cells, paving the way for radiotherapy
#Medicalphysicists are health professionals that play a🔑 role in ensuring quality & safety in the medical use of radiation by:
✅ enhancing radiation protection education & training
✅ strengthening radiation safety culture
✅ supporting radiation safety standards implementation
#Medicalphysicists 👩‍⚕️ play a crucial role in advancing health & saving lives around the 🌐

Radiation health technologies including:
🔘 diagnostic radiology..
💻 image-guided interventions..
☢️ nuclear medicine..
⚕️ radiotherapy..
..are 🔑 components for achieving #HealthForAll.
Read 5 tweets

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