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Most recents (6)

Nov 9th 2022

9 November 2022 - Election Analysis

It is NOT Too Little or Too Late

Tempting though it might be to think so - and I am tempted that way - it would be a shallow reading of where we're at. Follow along with me now...
2) I won't mention any names because the dust hasn't settled and I don't want to get ahead of my analytical skies here. However, good candidates that I supported with all my heart did not get good news last night. I'll look a bit more at that shortly.
3) Across the land, though, there was a great deal of good news missing for good folk on our side. What's more, the other side is highly competent at what we might call the Expectations Game. Ha!, they gloat, NO RED WAVE, so you lose!!!
Read 31 tweets
Sep 25th 2022
25 September 2022 - #Muster2Election #M2E
@SandhillsKen @Jesusestveritas

The Cycle Continues - Muster-to-Election (M2E)

If you're new to M2E, head to this link. The rest of this thread reports and quotes Ken Benway's exciting update!
2) The story in a nutshell, first. Ken, a retired Lt. Col from the Special Forces, knows how to lead. Looking around, following the 2020 election theft, Ken chose to focus county by county, starting with his own, Moore County, NC, and created the Muster Strategy. Image
3) @SandhillsKen and I met back in 2016 and became fast friends and compatriots. It wasn't, however, until earlier this year that I discovered his M2E work. I do have to give just a bit of background on that. The military trains and builds true leaders.
Read 21 tweets
Jul 18th 2022
18 July 2022 - #Muster2Election Snippet 7

@SandhillsKen @Jesusestveritas

An early count of views has snippet 7 as our second best received after snippet 1. Here it is, and please, do sound off regarding your own thoughts and reactions, will you?
2) Watching this snippet, I was forced to the question "who?" As in, who exactly is being mustered? The community as a whole is one answer. A muster is for everyone, and it's both fun and important. Come together, community, a muster says, and contemplate our own body politic.
3) The most important audience is voters. Done @SandhillsKen's way, there is a very specific leaning. True conservatives. If I was running them, it would be a clear #MAGA leaning. But the idea of mustering to election is in no necessary way partisan at all. It's just American.
Read 15 tweets
Jul 17th 2022
17 July 2022 - #Muster2Election

This is the 61 seconds you did not get in your civics course. Every American needs this civics lesson in a minute.

2) How do you get truly involved? What does your patriotic duty require of you? My list of 3 Commandments has grown to 4:

1) Situation Awareness
2) Vote
3) Participate
4) Contribute
3) But why didn’t your civics education include my 4 Commandments? Simple. They are antithetical to the liberal left’s agenda. Their coup is NOT supported by aware patriots.
Read 22 tweets
Jul 16th 2022
16 July 2022 - #Muster2Election #M2E

@SandhillsKen @SpecOpsSpeaks @Jesusestveritas

Muster To Election – Video Snippet Analysis

If you haven't yet, please watch the entire video here. It's just less than 17 minutes, and worth every second.…
2) It is now about 17 minutes later. And here's your next step. At least, please consider...

Click on the link here. Sign up. And, and we'll talk about this more in a moment...please contribute even the smallest amount...…
3) Let's talk about why this important. We always send promising conservatives to DC. DC laughs and welcomes them. DC corrupts them. We, the voters, get nothing. And they, the elected, face nothing. No consequence and then we send them back. Alas.
Read 40 tweets
Jul 15th 2022
Testing: a mini-thread for getting started. Here is a 2-minute segment already posted. What follows are smaller snippets from it, along with a tiny bit if comment.

#Muster2Election #M2E
2) Our intro is the beginning 29 seconds where @SandhillsKen’s basic idea is laid out.
3) We turn now to the idea of stepping up and speaking with the voice of leadership in your own community, as well as recruiting others to the mission as well.
Read 7 tweets

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