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Feb 16th 2021
Whoever made #DualStackLite/#DSlite, made it #RFC6333:


Also I think that #ISPs should be mandated to provide real, #DualStack internet access, since #CGNAT bricks #VPNs and thus is being weaponized for #censorship.…
So I've to help a #RemoeWorking colleage to not only get their #ISP to migrate them to #DualStack instead of that #DSlite/#CGNAT bs, but also migrate a company #VPN to Dual-Stack...
Because @deutschetelekom, @vodafone_de, @o2de and all the #MVNO|s in #Germany don't Providence Prosper #DualStack on mobile, and at best do #NAT64 or #CGNAT on #RFC1918 address spaces but sometimes even do #IPv6-only or even #NAT66!
And they #WontFix thar even for #B2B customers.
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