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Apr 12th 2023
Let's take a look at a timeline examining how deeply @binance helped promote @NeblioTeam & #NEBL then you guys make your own mind up as to how involved they were in enabling criminals to commit fraud against #Binance users.

August 2nd 2022

@NeblioTeam announce acquisition Image
August 24 2022

@binance announce #NEBL added to #Binance Earn with #Staking rewards at 3% APY Image
September 1 2022

@binance announced AMA with 'CMO' Younes Hariss @YounesHariss of @NeblioTeam, who stopped being active shortly after this AMA. Youness never presented himself to the Neblio community at all and nobody has heard from him since. $5000 in #NEBL giveaway. Image
Read 23 tweets
Jan 3rd 2022
With the first on-chain vote scheduled, let's take a #NeblioU deep dive into two new community governance features, #Neblio Improvement Proposals & Neblio Block Voting.…

#NeblioUniversity #NIP #BlockVoting #CommunityGovernance #NEBL
Since the #Neblio network went live, stakers (node operators) have played a part in helping to validate transactions & secure the network via #Staking. We have now introduced a new governance mechanism which allows the Neblio community to help shape the roadmap for 2022 & beyond!
Neblio Improvement Proposals (NIPs) can be submitted by community members, software developers, partners, & companies using Neblio. NIPs can be anything from core feature upgrades, promotional campaign ideas, token protocol changes etc.…
Read 7 tweets
Aug 27th 2021
Hey guys if you haven't heard of @NeblioTeam yet then it's about time you did. Put it this way, #Neblio can potentially power a smart city, controlling it's #IoT smart technology devices and apps, facilitate decentralised payments over the blockchain over RFID terminals
Allow people to make secure decentralised communications via #NFT messaging systems, help businesses manage supply chain data, provide solutions for gaming & VR open worlds, and lot's more. This isn't science fiction. #Neblio can actually be used for such an infrastructure
Read 12 tweets

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