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#LongCovid comienza en el cerebro. Nuestra BBB* rota nos lleva a no poder regular el flujo sanguíneo cerebral en respuesta a la gravedad. Esto conduce a una sobremarcha #simpática, que es un mecanismo compensatorio y conduce a un #barorreflejo embotado y una falla de precarga. 2) Image
2) El cuerpo responde aumentando la frecuencia cardíaca o aumentando la presión arterial, específicamente la PA diastólica, para que la sangre regrese al cerebro. La barrera intestinal tb se rompe junto con la disfunción autonómica del tracto GI junto con cambios en el microbioma
3) El SI está desregulado, y provoca la producción de una variedad de autoanticuerpos, incluido GPCR AAB. Las glándulas sudoríparas se ven afectadas. El cuerpo parece estar en constante disfunción autonómica que,provoca desregulación inmunitaria continua.
Read 45 tweets
Case of a man who almost stopped eating and drinking, as the act of swallowing caused severe throat pain

1. 45-year old man presented with intense episodes of pain in throat, back of tongue and tonsils on the right side for three months. The pain radiated to ear.
2. #pain was excruciating and was triggered by eating, chewing or swallowing food, drinking water, sneezing or even yawning. Pain lasted for 30-45 seconds and occurred 10-15 times every hour. He was so scared to eat or drink that he lost 15 kg weight in those 3 months.
3. He consulted ENT and dental doctors, and detailed examination by them was normal.
He became depressed and also had suicidal thoughts. He consulted psychiatrist and was started on anti-depressant medications.
On his sister's (a medico) advice, he decided to take my opinion.
Read 6 tweets
Exactly 7 years ago, I spent #StrokeAwarenessDay undergoing emergency #thrombectomy for #basilar artery occlusion. #BAO

Today, I'm still in awe and celebrating how #modern #medicine saved me from locked-in syndrome and enabled me to live a normal life, against all odds.

1/ 🧵
2/ So far, I have avoided sharing this information as part of my professional life, fearing it would somehow disqualify me as a credible clinician-scientist. Finally, I realize that the experience only strengthened my resolve to give future patients the second chance I was given.
3/ What happened in brief:

I was a healthy, 25yo medical student, all excited to have finished the first 10K run of my life not even 5 hours before my family reacted #FAST and called 911.
Read 20 tweets

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