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with all the focus of Nicola Bulley being on St Michael's on Wyre, we are forgetting that Nicola Bulley supposedly lived at 9 Meadow Drive Inskip, which is around 3.3 miles away from St Michael's.
The population of Inskip is around 900 people, meaning it's slightly larger than St Michael's, which is around 700 people. But it is in the Inskip village and community that she would have done her regularly daily back and forths, such as shopping, walking, etc etc
So why have we seen not one report from anybody in Inskip, etc, for good old Charlotte Drake. There has not been one image of any concerned residents of Inskip itself as you would expect in a case like this!
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This is presumably a concerned resident from St Michael's on Wyre during the Nicola Bulley search as shown by the media.
#actorslife #media #DailyMirror #NicolaBulleypsyop #NicolaBulley #PaulAnsell #fakenews #questioneverything Image
Whilst this is a reporter for the Daily Mirror reporting on the supposed finding of Nicolas body.
Now, let's compare the two people, is it just me, or do they look quite similar?
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