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with all the focus of Nicola Bulley being on St Michael's on Wyre, we are forgetting that Nicola Bulley supposedly lived at 9 Meadow Drive Inskip, which is around 3.3 miles away from St Michael's.
The population of Inskip is around 900 people, meaning it's slightly larger than St Michael's, which is around 700 people. But it is in the Inskip village and community that she would have done her regularly daily back and forths, such as shopping, walking, etc etc
So why have we seen not one report from anybody in Inskip, etc, for good old Charlotte Drake. There has not been one image of any concerned residents of Inskip itself as you would expect in a case like this!
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This is presumably a concerned resident from St Michael's on Wyre during the Nicola Bulley search as shown by the media.
#actorslife #media #DailyMirror #NicolaBulleypsyop #NicolaBulley #PaulAnsell #fakenews #questioneverything Image
Whilst this is a reporter for the Daily Mirror reporting on the supposed finding of Nicolas body.
Now, let's compare the two people, is it just me, or do they look quite similar?
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‘Nicola BULLEY’ #NicolaBulley is a fictional DIGITAL IDENTITY generated by ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SOFTWARE using the faces or BIOMETRICS of other people stored on a database or taken from social media platforms. The PHYSICAL IDENTITY never existed. The news mentioned that ImageImageImageImage
Nicola’s disappearance happened in the countryside, which is an interesting setting because it has little to no SURVEILLANCE, but the SMART PHONE was ‘found’ and the so-called investigation began. ImageImageImageImage
Police released PERSONAL DETAILS about ‘Nicola’ to the public following the spread of online SPECULATION AND MISINFORMATION, which could be seen as a form of online BULLYing. Nicola was ‘found’ by a man aged 33. ImageImageImageImage
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#NicolaBulley #NicolaBulleyCase

- Police searching for Nicola Bulley have confirmed that the body found on Sunday in the River Wyre is that of the missing mother-of-two

- Nicola Bulley's family urged that the press and members of the public “must be held accountable” for false accusations, misquotations and “vilifying” her friends and relatives


- Bulley’s partner Paul Ansell had earlier told Sky News of his “agony”, adding: “We’re all together, we have to be strong.”

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#NicolaBulley #NicolaBulleyCase

- Nicola Bulley’s partner has spoken of his “agony” after a body was found in the river near where the mother-of-two went missing

- The body was found around a mile from where Ms Bulley was last seen walking her dog in St Michael’s on Wyre after dropping her daughters at school


- A man and woman walking their dog on Sunday morning found the body and called police
- No formal identification has yet taken place but Ms Bulley’s family have been told about the discovery, police said

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Police searching for #NicolaBulley have retrieved a body from the #RiverWyre, close to where the mother-of-two went missing in January.

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Here is the full statement from Lancashire Police, after a body was discovered in the River Wyre: ⬇️…
#NicolaBulley, 45, a mother of two, vanished on 27 January while walking her dog after dropping off her daughters at school in St Michael’s on Wyre.…
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To never ever having a single word ever taken on board.

As you can hear @MindCharity directed me to @LSNSW_President to be treated the very same way as all have done.
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to witness such #Cruelintentions by the first #BlackWoman to be ignored by the @lawsocgazette while the @highcourt acts as if how @MPSHaringey @haringeycouncil's lack of showing any form of acknowledgement whatsoever in over 4 years as Toni aka Ruth Lovell @ginalovell545
has been rightly pointing out, if @BarnetCouncil/ @BarnetHomes had not heard a single word from their tenants surrounding #rentalk arrears, would @UKSupremeCourt @CIHhousing allow the tenant to take as long as they feel fit to respond, over four years of nothing, not a single
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@FactCheckIndia that you are all no different than any other of us @TwitterParents to see a @GrievingMothers screams for a #helpinghand to be seen beneath #HumanRights as the #lies that are still pouring out of #MarkRowley's mouth that he has to read word to word from a scrip
because coming out of #retired that means #braindead as whoever is #socialmediamanager floods #TwitterFiles with #NicolaBulley, this I also find really sad, so so sad for those who like poor #MollyRussell and those who mare reaching out for @CruseSupport as a senior
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I think there's two viable theories about what happened to #NicolaBulley. 1) Most likely is that she slipped and fell into the river, suffered from cold water shock, and drowned. Her body has been carried along the Wyre towards the Irish Sea.
She could have left her phone on the work call while going to retrieve her dog in difficulty from the water, or its toy. The dog's harness and lead were taken off because the dog is a springer spaniel and likes to swim, so it wouldn't be uncomfortable later
from wearing a wet cold harness on a cold day. This would explain her sudden disappearance, lack of anyone else's obvious involvement, why the phone was on the bench and why the dog's harness and lead were off and the dog was running around alone.
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