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Jun 19th 2020
So what's happening to views on Irish unification in NI?

More from @ARK_info #NILifeTimes survey #nilt2019 📊

This incl. long-standing Qs plus some new ones about whether certain things would encourage or discourage people from voting in favour of a #UnitedIreland.
#NILifeTimes (face-to-face, random sampling) has different results from internet polling e.g. @LucidTalk re: proportion wanting Irish unity.

It's reasonable to say our figure (c.1/4) prob. too low, theirs (c.1/2) prob. too high, & the 'real' figure is somewhere in-between.

The great value of NILT is that it is a time series survey, ie. same Q & method over 20+yrs.

Overall, there hasn't been a dramatic surge in support for Irish unity.

Devolution remains preferred long-term policy (even though it wasn't functioning when Q asked).

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Jun 17th 2020
So here goes...
The 1st of 4 threads on political attitudes in @ARK_info NI Life&Times Survey #nilt2019 #NILifeTimes @UKandEU

This one is on *Brexit & Irish Unity*

TL;DR: #Brexit means differences between Unionism & Nationalism aren't just about aspiration but expectation.
The slight majority see #Brexit as having made a United Ireland more likely.
But the absolute majority see it as making no difference to when they're in favour of a UI.

Decline since 2018 in those thinking Brexit makes a UI less likely (10%) & makes them less in favour (12%)
There are interesting party differences here, which fall not so much on unionist/nationalist lines as pro-Remain/Leave.

Majority of SF, SDLP & Alliance supporters believe Brexit makes Irish unity more likely.

For SDLP this = a 25 point & SF an18 point increase since 2018.

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